chapter iii - unwelcome change

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     Life was cruel and unpredictable it was something you were forced to learn at a young age. Innocence wiped away within seconds—like drawings in the sand. One moment you were blissfully unaware of how cruel one could be and the next moment the life you had known the innocence you held was gone. The news following Phoenix Gate had spread quickly throughout the Twins. You weren't even back home to the Crystalline Dominion when you heard of the tragedy. Joshua Rosfield was dead. In fact Rosaria had fallen shortly after your departure, your dear friends were dead all dead. Would you have suffered the same fate if your family stayed a day longer?

     Your mother and father held you as you wailed in their arms, snot and tears streaming down your chubby face. Your father shouted at the knight who reported the news for saying it in front of you. But how would the knight know you'd react like this? The days following were a blur, the Crystalline Dominion was in chaos as they tried to defend themselves against the inventible threat that would soon come knocking at their boarders. Your mind couldn't comprehend that Joshua had instead you didn't think about it. It wasn't until news spread that Lady Annabella betrayed Rosaria which in turn made you believe she personally killed Joshua and the others. How could one be so cruel? That was the day something had awaken inside you...your denial had turned to anger.

     Your chest was burning as you rushed out of the castle, screaming was heard from behind you as your mother chased after you. You had to run away you didn't care where. Your little legs could only carry you so far  before you came tumbling to the ground. Breathing was shallow your eyes shut so tightly that your lashes were barely visible. You withered against the cold stone ground then suddenly you stopped moving. Grey eyes fluttering open staring at the blue sky but just as quickly the skies turned grey and heavy raindrops began to fall. A thumping repeating in your head until you blacked out again.

     When you awoke you were laying in a warm bed. Groaning you say up the wet rag that was on your forehead dropping into your lap. "Lady _____!" A woman shouted rushing towards you, it was Tabitha. She embraced you tightly before pulling away her brown eyes examining every detail of your face. Her features were saturated with concern, "A..are you feeling well?" She asked placing a hand against your forehead. But you sat there limply staring blankly ahead at the white bricked wall. "Stay here dear I'll go get the elders and your parents." She said before rushing out of the room. What happened? Am I dead? You thought to yourself. One moment you were in excruciating pain and the next you blacked out now you were back in your bedroom without any memory of what had happened.

~•••~ were the Dominant of Leviathan. How strange Leviathan hardly ever awakened in anybody it deemed as a lost Eikon but here you were now surrounded by various people debating on what to do with you. Your fingers tapped rhythmically on the wooden table your head rested in the palm of your hands. Didn't they care to ask me what I wanted? You thought to yourself. Your mind wondered to what Joshua would think of you becoming a Dominant. It was that thought which sent a pang through your heart you grimaced. If I had only awoken as Leviathan sooner then I could of saved him...everyone... you felt guilty but you weren't allowed to wallow in your sadness for long when you heard your father slam his fists on the oak table the room became silent.

     "Damnit I won't have my daughter fight! We can cover up that she's Leviathan save her from fighting. She's only a child." He shouted his greying hair fell messily in front of his face.

     "Lord Angelo...all of Twinside saw her transform it won't be long until we have either Waloed or the Empire at our borders." One man you vaguely knew said.

     "I for one would rather join the Empire then have Waloed take over." Another man chimed in.

      "Of fucking course you would. You were never loyal to the Crystalline Dominion. I bet you fucking told the Imperials already we have a weak Dominant." The man from before retorted back.

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