chapter i - the beginning

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Mornings were always dreaded by you, it meant that you had to get dressed and attend the boring classes that royals were forced to. Etiquette, politics, foreign affairs, literature, and the most dreaded mathematics. But today was different you'd be taking a break from your usual routine and instead you'd be going to Rosaria with parents. It was on the pretense of it being for solely political matters but of course you'd be taking advantage of it fully being able to see your most bestest of friends—Joshua Rosfield. Oh, and of course there was Clive and Jill there also but then we're just your friends no one had the bond you and the Phoenix shared. It didn't take long before the maids fluttered in quickly pulling you out of your soft warm bed.

"Lady _____, must you sleep so crazily? I had braided your hair to perfection last night and now your hair looks like a wild chocobos nest!" The middle aged maid scolded as she began to run a brush through your tangled hair. Wincing as the brush got caught on a knot you whined, "Miss Tatiana you're being too rough!" You cried but the maid known as Tatiana ignored your pleas. "You've always had the wildest of hairs ever since you were a baby, so you should be used to it by now." She clicked her tongue. Finally after some more pain you were relieved from the torment of having your hair brushed, "You need to look presentable for the Rosfields _____." Tatiana said as she finished your pigtail braids tying a dainty white ribbon to the ends. Jumping out of her grasp you spun on your heel facing her, "It's a three day wagon ride anyways! My hair well look like a mess by tonight." You said matter of factly a proud smirk playing your plump lips. But the greying maid ignored you as she began to pull out a dress from a wardrobe, "Come child put this on." She said motioning you with her hands to come to her.

Finally you were dressed in a simple yet elegant pale pink dress that fell a few inches below your knees paired with leather boots it was time to go find your parents. Tatiana waving you off so she could finish packing for the trip. Humming contently as you walked down the halls searching for your parents. "Excuse me, have you seen me father and mother ?" You asked a branded man. "O-oh yes Lady _____, they are outside in the courtyard!" The nervous branded man said. You never understood why branded acted so scared of you. Surely you weren't that mean or ugly, right? You nodded a frown replacing your smile, "Alrighty thanks! Also I don't believe I've seen you around before. What's your name?" You asked curiously. The man shifted uncomfortably his eyes darting across the corridor as knights watched him closely from afar though you were oblivious to it all. "It''s Da-" but before he could answer you shouting was heard from down the hall.

Your mother's screeching echoed through the corridor, "_____ get here this instant!" She stormed towards you placing a strong grip on your arm as she yanked you away from the branded man, "And you why are you just standing around! Go you have a job to do!" She shouted at the branded who quickly scurried away bowing and apologizing the whole time. Your mother's grasp was tight and you let out a cry, "Mummy stop you're hurtin me!" You whimpered pulling away from her grip. Your mother turned to face you a look of fear on her face, "He didn't hurt you right or say anything to upset you?" She asked leaning down to wipe the corners of your watery eyes. Her intense amber eyes stared into yours thin black brows knitted together in concern. Shaking your head you pushed her hands from your face, "I'm okay mum, I was jus askin him his name and where you two were. Please don't punish him he didn't do nothin'." You pleaded with your mother. She sighed standing up, "Nothing will happen to him. But you shouldn't speak to bearers dear it looks bad." She scolded you half heartedly. But why was it bad weren't they just people also?


You laid your head against the glass window of the carriage, pale grey eyes staring absentmindedly out the window eyelids heavy due to boredom. You hated road trips and wished you could just teleport to Rosaria. traveling from the Crystalline Dominion all the way to the other side of Storm was boring all the scenery looked the same, the random Imperial checkpoints the caravan would be forced to stop at it was boring. How much longer was it until you'd arrive? Until you could see your dear friends. Then without notice the carriage abruptly stopped, your head bouncing off the window. Wincing you rubbed your temple your mother already quickly wrapping her arms around you, "My dear are you okay?" She asked. Reaching over she slid down the window sticking her head out, "You bearer, conjure some ice for me." She commanded snapping her fingers. "Yes Lady Marianne!" the bearer soldier said quickly conjuring a small shard of ice and handing it to your mother. She placed the ice against your temple, the sudden coldness sending a shiver down your spine she replaced her hand with yours telling you to hold it in place and stay put while she investigated.

Muffled talking was all you heard, you looked out the window once again looking at the scenery. Huh this was a knew thought to yourself. Curiosity took ahold of you as you slid the carriage door open, your bare feet hitting the rough gravel road. Turning your attention towards your mother and father talking at the front of the caravan you then noticed there seemed to some hold up. "...I don't care that a carriage was overturned were already a day behind let's move on. Leave some soldiers with them and we get a move on." Your mother said obviously annoyed at whatever had happened up ahead. Your father smiled rubbing the back of his head as he took on your mother's wrath, "My dear Marianne we can't do that..." you stopped listening at that point uninterested in their banter. It seemed like you'd be here for some time so you might as well walk around for a bit, you wouldn't wander far. Grabbing you boots with one hand you used your feet to slip the shoes on your hand still grasping the slowly melting ice shard. Glancing around you made sure now one was looking before you trotted off just barely out of sight of the caravan.

You sang quietly to yourself as you rummaged through the foliage near a riverbank. You could still faintly hear chattering and cooing from the chocobos from the caravan so you weren't too far. The ice had completely melted now leaving your hands wet but you didn't mind as you plucked a few wildflowers from the ground. It was then something caught your eye from further down the riverbank, a shiny object glistening in the sun. Quickly you rushed towards the object, paying no mind to the lingering danger just beyond the brush. "Ah ha!" You mumbled under your breath as you came upon the shiny object. It looked as if it was something from the Ancients whatever it was you were pleased quickly shoving it in your pocket. Joshua is going to be so jealous! You thought to yourself a content smile playing on your lips. As you turned around to make your way back to the caravan before anyone noticed you heard a twig snap catching your attention. Goosebumps littered your skin as you froze in place. "Hello?" You called out quietly scanning the tree line. A primal like fear overtook your senses but before you could run away a wild lone hound raced out from the tree line making its way towards you. A scream left your mouth just as the hound pounced on your swiping it paw across your cheek but just as quick as the hound jumped on you it was thrown off of you.

"______! Are you okay?!" You heard your father shout as he finished off the hound he rushed towards you dropping his sword by his side as he wrapped his arms around you. "Fuck ______ your face!" He grimaced pulling a handkerchief out of shirt pocket dabbing your face. It was then you felt the stinging sensation and then warm liquid run down your cheek. This truly was an unlucky trip for you.


this story will have spoilers for the game and the game lore will be changed some as to fit the story i want for the reader. the reader will have some traits i give them just for the sake of making the story flow better (ex: eye color, hair length, etc). please ignore spelling and grammar mistakes i'll at some point probably fix it all.

thanks for reading


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