Chapter 10 - 𝒯𝒽ℯ 𝒹𝒾𝓃𝓃ℯ𝓇

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I sat on the couch and listened to Taylor swift, when the front door opened and Elijah entered.

"How was the tour around Mystic Falls with Elena's aunt?" I asked him. I expected everything, but not the answer he gave me, "You're going to dinner with me tonight." I stared at him with a questionable look. What dinner was he talking about? I doubted he wanted to go to dinner with me.
      He noticed my confusion and decided to clear things up for me, "Dinner, at the Salvatore boarding house." I jumped on my feet and walked over to him, "You can't be serious. Tell me you're not serious."

"I'm afraid I am, Eliza. So wear something pretty. And I don't want to hear more about it," he left the room and let me stand there in the middle of the living room. I didn't think that it was going to be a friendly dinner. Surely not the type of dinner where you get together with your friends or family and talk. Damon had to have some diabolical plan. I didn't like it. Sadly I didn't have a choice. I had to go.

Elijah knocked on the door and Damon opened.

"Good evening," Elijah greeted. Damon stared at me in awe. It was clear he was surprised to see me. Or was it because of the dress I was wearing? He looked up and down my body, examining my every curve, which were even sharper in the red dress with narrow straps, reaching to my knees.

"Thank you for coming. Please, come in," Damon invited us.

"Just one moment," Elijah said and we stayed behind the threshold. "Can I just say that if you have a less than honourable intentions about how this evening is going to precede, I suggest you reconsider." Damon smiled, "No, no, nothing dishonourable. Just getting to know you."
Elijah offered me his hand and we entered the house together. "That's good. Because you know, although I and Elena have this deal, if you so much as a make a move to cross me, I'll kill you and I'll kill everyone in this house. Are we clear?"

"Crystal," Damon replied. He tried to sound confidently, but I knew he got nervous.

That dinner was actually getting really annoying. It seemed like every person there was keen on history. Couldn't understand why. Well, I was practically history myself, so I had lived the history, but not that I would fancy it. Even though, there was a possibility that Jenna and that girl Andie, Damon had brought, were more fancying my brother than what he was saying. They were both totally all over him. Surprised they didn't drool.
After the dinner was time for dessert, so we had to clean everything from the table. Everyone got up and Andie spoke, "The gentlemen should take their drinks in the study." God, I hated her.

"I have to say that food was almost as wonderful as the company," Elijah smiled politely. Didn't he think it was weird? Only gentlemen. Damon had surely some plan on betraying my brother.

"I like you," Andie pointed her finger at Elijah. He patted my shoulder and left with Damon. Alaric was trying to talk to Jenna, who was obviously pissed at him.

"You're not a gentleman," Jenna handed a few plates to John, who was apparently Elena's biological father, "make yourself useful."

3rd person

"So let me guess, in addition to the moonstone, doppelgänger, lion, witch and wardrobe, you need to find this witch burial ground," Damon concluded.

"Because I feel as we've gone so close, Damon, I will tell you yes," Elijah replied. "Do you know where it is?"

"Maybe, tell me why it's so important." Damon handed Elijah a glass of bourbon and he took it. "We're not that close." Elijah looked around the room, "It's quite a collection you have here." Damon hummed. "There's a funny thing about books. Before their existence people actually had memories." Damon took the dagger with it's blade dipped in an white oak ash ready to kill Elijah, when Alaric and Eliza barged in.
      Alaric had gotten a call from Stefan. He had told him that a supernatural can't use the dagger to kill an original. It was in Jonathan Gilbert's diary. Only human could use it. So John, who had given the dagger to Damon, apparently wanted to kill him. Just like Damon wanted to kill Elijah.
      Eliza had heard the whole conversation and ran right after Alaric to prevent Damon from killing her brother. She hated him for that.

"Gentlemen!" Alaric exhaled at the same time as Eliza, "Brother." Damon angrily returned the dagger back on the table. He didn't care that Elijah was Eliza's brother. He needed to get rid of him. He didn't trust him. He wasn't even sure if he trusted Eliza. But he wasn't going to kill her for sure. He wouldn't be able to do it.

3rd person

I heard Alaric on the phone talking to Stefan. Damon was planning on killing Elijah. I had to stop him from that. I ran into the study right after Alaric.

"Brother!" I addressed Elijah at the same time as Alaric exhaled from relieve, when he spotted my brother and his best friend still alive, "Gentlemen! We forgot about the dessert."

"Elijah?" I reached out my hand for him and gave him a meaningful look. He answered me with a concerned look, accepted my hand and followed me into the dining room. We sat by the table and I told him what I had heard. He didn't seem to be precisely worried about it, but took it into account.
      Not long after, Andie, Damon, Alaric and John joined us. The dessert wasn't ready yet. Also in that moment, the dinner returned to be as boring as it had been before. Andie wanted to ask Elijah some questions about his "work". So she politely asked Alaric to get her a notebook from her bag. Though he couldn't find it at all.

"Ric, it's in the front pocket, in the - you know what... Excuse me, guys," Andie excused herself from our presence. Finally, she was so annoying.

"What I would like to know, Elijah, is how you and your sister intend on killing Klaus," John asked. I knew about my brother's plan. And I knew for sure he didn't have the strength to do so. After all, Nik was our brother.

"Gentlemen, there's a few things we should probably get clear right now," Elijah spoke up calmly. He pointed with a fork in his hand on Damon, "I allow you to live solely to keep an eye on Elena. I allow Elena to remain in her house living her life with her friends as she does as a courtesy. If you become a liability, I'll take her away from you and you'll never see her again." I looked at each of them. Neither of them three looked like they would like to share another thoughts.

"Oh, come on, Elijah. Be nice," I smiled at him, pretending like everything was in order. However, my smile faded as soon as Andie came back with her notebook and started talking already before she seated, "Okay, my first question is, when you got here to Mystic Falls -" she stopped talking, when my brother screamed in pain as the dagger pierced his heart. I jumped up from my seat. "No!" I screamed and threw myself at Alaric, when he pulled the dagger out of my brother and placed it back on the table. I didn't think straight from the initial shock that consumed me. I didn't realize that Elijah wasn't actually dead and that he wasn't going to stay off long, because Alaric pulled the dagger out. His first and essential mistake.
I was ready to kill him not thinking twice about it. Nevertheless, Damon managed to shove me off of him and pinned me against the wall. As I hit it hard, everything was suddenly clear. Elijah was going to wake up soon. But they didn't know that. I had to play along.
I put on my acting face and totally collapsed. I cried and cried and screamed to make it seem real. I was the actress Nik had seen in me. I became the threat. I brought out my weapon. My talent.


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 03 ⏰

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