Chapter 8 - 𝒮𝒶𝓋ℯ𝒹

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3rd person

"Hey, can we talk?" Stefan asked Elena as soon as she opened the door. They had been to see Katherine and Eliza. They wanted to get the moonstone from them. However, it wouldn't be for free. Katherine and Eliza wanted their freedom. Elena hoped Stefan and Damon didn't believe them. Well, specially Katherine, "You don't believe them, do you?"

"No, of course not, we just want the moonstone," Damon replied, throwing with an orange from hand to hand.

"According to Rose's friend Slater there's a way to destroy the spell that Klaus wants to break," Stefan informed.

"No spell, no doppelgänger sacrifice, ergo you live," Damon concluded.

"How do you break it?" Elena asked curiously. Stefan leaned on a kitchen counter, "By releasing it from the moonstone."

"How do you guys even know this is gonna work?" Elena walked closer to them.

"Cause we have a crafty witch on our side," Damon added. They were so sure they could make it. However, Elena wasn't as much sure as them. Plus, they wanted to bring Bonnie into it. And as Elena expected, she had promised to do everything she was capable of. With her help, they were ready to get the moonstone from Katherine and Eliza no matter what.

3rd person

"Oh, Jeremy, right?" I asked him, when I spotted him from behind the corner in the tomb. He had somehow managed to pacify Katerina, who was unconscious laying on the ground. "What a surprise," I smiled at him, "you're here for the moonstone?"

"Just give it to me," he replied resolutely.

"Naive little Gilbert. Well, if you want it, come and get it." I showed him the moonstone in my hand. Nevertheless, before he was able to make any move, I had sped to him and fed on him. It was so refreshing.

"What the hell?" I heard Stefan say.

"Is it the moonstone?" Bonnie asked. 

"I hate to interrupt," I walked on a light, "but today has just been full of surprises." I pulled Jeremy to me. Stefan ran to the entrance.

"Sorry, I took some powder," Jeremy replied exhausted. Right, he had to be. A lot of blood was missing in his system.

"Don't worry, I know that he's wearing his ring, so no matter how many times I kill him, he's gonna just coming back for more. So, I'm gonna keep him here with me, and you guys let me know when you open the tomb." I threw Jeremy on the ground.
      To be honest it had taken them some time to do something. However, it didn't go like I had imagined. They were really determined to get the moonstone and leave me and Katherine in the tomb. Shame they were screwed. Thanks to little Gilbert. How could be someone that stupid? Stefan wanted to be the hero and ran into the tomb for Jeremy to prevent me from feeding on him again. Seemed like he had to stay in here with us.

3rd person

"So, how exactly does the spell work?" Elijah asked Jonas Martin, his witch. He looked at him, "Give me your hand." Elijah placed his hand into Martin's.

"With her necklace, we're able to find your sister," Martin said and cut into Elijah's hand. "Place it here," he pointed to Eliza's necklace. "Now, take my hand." Elijah did as he said and Martin continued, "Close your eyes. Relax your mind. And look for her." He started chanting the spell.
      Even with closed eyes, Elijah could clearly see his little sister. She was somewhere dark, probably under the ground. He saw also Katerina and Stefan Salvatore. What a surprise. His dear sister was locked in a tomb. He wondered how could she had gotten there.

"Are we seriously not gonna talk at all?" Eliza asked Stefan, who was clearly annoyed of her and Katerina's presence.

"Oh, we could talk about how you regret what you've done to make my life miserable," he replied. She looked at him offended, "Me? You mean it? I didn't. Well, partly yes. Yeah, I admit. Still less than Kat. But you know, right now, I don't really care."

"What you two want me to say?" Katerina joined them. "That I'm sorry for everything that I've done? Well, I'm not, okay? It's called self preservation. I've been looking out for myself for 500 years." Stefan laughed, "Look where it's gotten you. Even you Elizabeth. You were running from your own brother."

"I thought we've already been there. He is my brother, Stefan. And he will kill you all," Eliza said and walked away from them. She approached the entrance and focused on a one spot for a few seconds.

"Elijah?" she whispered. Elijah opened his eyes and lost her. Instead of her, he saw Martin in front of him again.

"You saw her, didn't you?" Martin asked. Elijah smiled slightly, "I know exactly, where she is."

3rd person

I was sitting on the ground and listened to Stefan's and Kat's bonding conversation, when we heard the tomb door open. I looked in its direction and took the light. We walked over there. I took a deep breath in the moment I saw him. How could he know where I was? Probably some witch on his side.

"Elijah," I breathed out. I didn't know, if I was happy to see him or scared. Probably happy I would say. He wasn't Nik, so I didn't have to be afraid he would dagger me. He had always been the noble one.

"Eliza, nice to see you again, little sister," he greeted me and turned to Kat. "Good evening, Katerina. Thank you for having the good sense to be frightened. Your release has been requested," he then turned to Stefan, who turned to me and then Kat confused. "What? By who?"

"The lovely Elena drives a hard bargain. However, we reached a peaceful agreement. She and I. Please," he offered, "come." Elijah stepped aside and motioned with his hand for Stefan to come out.

"I can't," Stefan replied, being certain of his statement.

"Yes, you can," my brother replied, "I've had the spell lifted. Eliza, you too, come." I didn't hesitate and rushed to him. Stefan carefully walked over to the exit and got out. He was surely worried that Elijah could trick him. Even though he just saw me coming out too. As soon as he stepped out of the tomb, Kat tried it either. However, she got stopped by the invisible barrier. The spell was back up. Elijah compelled her to stay in the tomb until he allows her to get out. He wanted to leave her there for Nik.

"You're free to go. Elena will explain the arrangement to you. If she keeps her word, I'll keep mine," Elijah said to Stefan and then turned to me. "Come, Eliza. We have a lot to discuss." I had looked at Kat for the last time, before I followed after him. I didn't want to leave her there, but I also didn't want to stay there any longer. So I decided to leave her and once again let her handle herself.


Author's note: Hi, this chapter is kind of short, but I'm sure you don't mind😅😁

Please comment or at least vote so I know I should continue in this story. I can see that you read it, but I would also like to know your opinions. 🙏 It would mean a lot to me. Thank you🫶❤️


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