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These were done for the graduation show years back. Looking back, I do not see creativity in them at all. The images were a combination of war times photos I found in the University library. What drove me walking down that particular aisle, on that particular day, picking that particular book was definitely fate. In the University years, I knew i wanted to start my training from scratch, from realism and follow the History of Art, at my own pace. I was bombarded by this idea of abstract expressionism being THE ANSWER and was reluctant to do any until 6 years after graduation.

'Still Life' was completed days before the final critique. This series of work possess a kind of power and bittersweetness. I took too much pride in them and suffered a hindrance in my art development for the next decade. As I moved down to San Francisco in 1988, I began to apply for acceptance into the local galleries. was not until too late when I left for Hong Kong did I receive a gallery invitation...the timing was all wrong.

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