44 - Blake

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I wake up, hair tickling my nose, and my eyes slowly open. I find myself pressed against her body, her hair scattered over my face. I gently pull it back so as not to wake her, then remove my arm from under her and get up from the bed. Sitting on the edge of the bed, I turn my head and observe her sound asleep. She's lying on her stomach, naked. Her body undulates to the rhythm of her breathing. She's incredibly beautiful, and I remain captivated by her curves for a long moment, unable to take my eyes off her.

I'm weak in her presence, it's a fact I accept. I can no longer fight this attraction.

I dress silently, taking care not to make any noise. The sun's rays penetrate the room, providing enough light for me to find my clothes. I pick up my pack of cigarettes from the floor, take one out and throw it carelessly on the chest of drawers before heading for the balcony. The cold morning air makes me shiver. I light my cigarette, watching the smoke mingle with the sun's rays. I rest my head against the balcony wall and close my eyes. Images from the previous night flash through my mind, one in particular standing out.

His best mate.

I bite the inside of my cheek, then crush my cigarette butt. I resolutely return to the bedroom to get ready to leave. Just as I'm about to open the door to leave the room, a voice rings out, breaking the silence.

"Blake? Blake, what are you doing?"

Her voice reaches me, making me sigh before turning back to her.

"I'm gonna kick your buddy's ass."

"Go back to sleep."

I try to sound gentle, but I feel rather cold.

I waste no time and quickly exit the room, closing the door behind me. I hurry down the stairs and turn right to head for the main room. Everyone is seated around a table, discussing who knows what. Everyone's gaze is loaded with innuendo, and I can feel their curiosity weighing on me.

"What?" I ask.

"Nothing, nothing, it's been an eventful night," comments my brother, looking away.

I roll my eyes and focus on Joséphine's best friend, who ignores me completely.

"I just spent some time with my girlfriend," I say, emphasizing the last word.

Everyone nearly chokes. Joey raises his head and looks at me sideways. I give him an evil smile.

"Your girlfriend?" asks Peter, clearly surprised.

"My girlfriend, yeah."

"Since when?" continues Cassie, curious.

"Since yesterday."

Joey bursts out laughing and stands up.

Even his laughter makes me want to cut his head off.

I stand in front of him. Clyde and Cassie stand up, worried. I can feel everyone watching, ready to intervene if things go wrong.

"The next time you touch her without her consent, I'll fuck you up," I say calmly, my eyes locked in his.

Our gazes lock for a few seconds before hands come to rest on my shoulders.

"Blake... let him go, please," pleads Joséphine.

I turn my head to face her. Her hair is a mess and her eyes are puffy. She's put her dress back on the wrong way, which earns me a sideways glance. She notices and rectifies her outfit, embarrassed.

"She does what she wants, she didn't seem to mind tasting my lips last night," Joey says mockingly.

I look down, clenching my fist.

"He's just trying to provoke you, let it go. Let's go, shall we?" she says, trying to calm me down.

I grab one of her hands and let her guide me towards the exit.

"Joséphine, wait!" shouts Joey behind us.

She stops and asks me not to move. She walks towards him, facing Joey. In a fit of rebellion, her hand quickly rises and falls on his cheek, delivering a resounding slap. A bright red mark immediately appears on his skin.

I widen my eyes and smile.

Where the hell did she come from?

"Well, that's for thinking I liked it. You disgust me, Joey. You'd better go now," she says before turning back to me.

I can feel her holding back a few tears as we walk to my car.

"Give me your keys, I'm driving," she orders in a firm voice.

"Nah, I'm driving," I retort, settling into the driver's side of my car.


"You were so drunk last night, it's not even worth discussing."

She sighs, letting her disappointment slip, but eventually climbs into the passenger seat. A shiver runs through her as the cold of the car seat is transmitted through her clothes. I notice her slight shiver and, with a gentle, tender gesture, grab one of my jackets from the back and delicately hand it to her.

"I'm sorry about Joey, he's just looking for this... I didn't think he was capable of all this," she says, ashamed.

"It's okay," I answer coldly as I start the car.

"So, I'm your girlfriend?"

I glance at her, then back at the road.

"It was my way of saying that you're mine, and I'm here if anyone dares to touch you."

"What are we, then?"

"I don't know."

She looks down, and I can almost hear her heartbreaking in her chest. I bite my lip, trying to find the right words.

"We can't go too fast, you know that. I don't want you to freak out, especially with everything you've been through..."

"With Kyle?"

"Yeah, well..."

"I'm trusting you. It took me a long time to get over it, but I'm ready. I'm willing to take the risk of suffering with you."

I look at her and a smile appears on my lips.

This girl is incredible. She throws herself headlong into a world she doesn't know.

"Give me time, you know I don't know anything about this. I wasn't taught to love, quite the opposite, in fact. I've been taught to feel nothing, to be cold, to be horrible to others."

"Then let me teach you just the opposite. You're a good person, and I know it."

She pauses before speaking again, looking out over the landscape.

"We're sleeping together, if that's not going too fast..."

I laugh and look at her. A wry smile graces her pink lips.

"I admit, we should forget the fact that we're sleeping together, so we can make up for it when the time comes," I tease her.

She pats me lightly on the shoulder. I bite my lips.

"He's been your best friend for ages, and you've got the nerve to talk to him like that for..."

"You," she finishes. "I hate it when people want to hurt you, he's no exception."

If you only knew who I am...

I pull into the parking lot, switching off the engine. There's silence for a moment, and we stand there, staring into each other's eyes. My heart beats wildly, and I feel an electric tension in the air, as if time has stopped around us. My fingers slide tenderly over her cheek, feeling her soft skin beneath my fingers. A shiver runs through my entire being, and I feel as if every touch between us is charged with magnetic energy.

I move a little closer to her. My lips delicately find hers. I detach myself from her lips, even though I wish it could have lasted forever.

"I hope you keep your promises," I say with a smile.

"Always," she says with conviction.

Our fallen souls [EN] (High Enough) : VOLUME 1Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora