Comenzar desde el principio


"I take comfort knowing the French Revolution is a mere two hundred years from now," Bellatrix said riding on a path beside Matthew with Diana in front of them. "If only the sexual revolution was a little earlier." She said adjusting the corset she was forced to wear. "Although I have to say. I am looking forward to seeing Ysabeau in these times again. Imagine she'd stand for it."

"She won't be there. As I recall, she spent most of this year in Trier." Matthew said.

"At the witch trials...This is the woman who'll accept me into her family and give me her cherished ring?" Bellatrix asked.

"A lot can happen in four hundred years," Matthew said.


As the day turned into night, they were forced to make camp, where Matthew and Bellatrix lay gazing at the stars. "Where are we?" She asked.

"We are now in the province of Anjou. A region which refuses to acknowledge the Protestant King's claim. As you know, these are dangerous times, Bellatrix." Matthew said.

"Who's side is Phillipe on?" Bellatrix asked.

"My father doesn't care for the subtleties of the Christian schism. He's just trying to stop France from being torn apart by it."

"He's right to do that. Thousands of people who'd prefer to starve than to bow before a Protestant king."

"Rather reasons that my father thinks that humans can't be trusted to sort out the mess they find themselves in," Matthew said.

"Well, history has proved him right time and time again," Bellatrix said.

"All the more reason for us to be careful," Matthew said.

"Thankfully, we have an armed guard," Bellatrix said nodding to the tent that housed the guard.

"Well, our escort isn't the fatherly gesture of kindness and concern," Matthew muttered.

"I thought they were here to make sure we go straight to Sept-Tours without diversions or delays," Bellatrix said with furrowed eyes.

"It isn't just that," Matthew said. "They're a reminder that the closer I get to Phillipe, the less freedom I have. We must present ourselves to him or our path to Bohemia and the book will be blocked, but I wish it wasn't so."


"Good morning," Matthew greeted shaking Bellatrix awake as he rolled up the mattress he slept on. "The weather has turned for the worst and we need to make up good ground today."

"Give me a minute," Bellatrix muttered.

"I always underestimate a warmblood's need for sleep, not that you haven't earned it. This is not an easy journey. Especially, if you have to ride side saddle." Matthew said.

"Yeah, I noticed," Bellatrix muttered.

"I'll make sure Pierre has some hot food for you before we set off, alright?" Matthew asked.

"Thank you," Bellatrix said resting on her elbows.

"Well, there's one more thing I'm afraid. I love you entirely." Matthew said before leaning down and placing a kiss on Bellatrix's face, making her smile when he pulled back. "Now, off you get. A scout reported soldiers in the area."

𝐘𝐨𝐮 𝐊𝐧𝐨𝐰 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐑𝐮𝐥𝐞𝐬Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora