#11: Boyfriend of the year.

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Chapter Eleven: "Boyfriend of the year."
A/N: bolded name = pov


"I heard you." I blurt out as Jimin leads me out the restaurant.

He raises an eyebrow at me. "Heard what?"

"What you told the waitress."

"Okay... And?"

"You're not mad that I eavesdropped?" I ask as we turn the corner to the lift lobby.

"It's not like we were talking about some FBI secret." He shrugs as he presses the button. "What you heard was about you anyway. It's not wrong for you to know."

"Can I ask you a question then?"

"Go on." He nods affirmatively.

"It seemed like you really did believe that I am not gay. Why are you wasting your time with me then?"

"Didn't you hear my next answer?"

"I did. You said you didn't want to regret it but still. What's the point if it is not going to happen?"

He shrugs. "Maybe it will. What if you do end up falling for me?"

"There is like no possibility of that."

"Nothing is 100%."

"Yeah but-"

"Shh." He presses a finger to my lips. "Don't discourage me. I'll leave you alone when I finally give up which is not anytime soon."

I stay frozen even when he removes his finger after his statement. He didn't seem to notice the effect of his touch as he casually typed away on his phone.

I shake my head. I can't be bothered by this.

When the elevator finally reaches our floor, we wait for the woman inside to exit before getting in. Jimin presses the button to the fourth floor and we stay silent because he's still busy texting someone till the elevator ding disrupts it.

I smile in thanks when he presses the open button and waits for me to leave before following me out.

"You still haven't told me what you wanted to buy."

"I'm here to buy a gift for a friend."

"What are you thinking of? Is it a guy?"

"Yeah, it's a guy. So I'm thinking of getting him a shirt or jacket."

I nod slowly. "Okay but I don't think I can be much help. I'm not aware of like fashion and stuff."

"It's fine. I just need some opinions or I'll overthink it." He tells me and steers me to the large store of Gucci.

"You really are generous in your gifts," I comment. Everything in this section we were looking at costs like 4 million won.

"I told you. What's the point of having money if you don't spend it?"

"True," I nod. I've only ever seen people so rich use it for the wrong reasons so this was a nice change because this guy only seemed to use his money on food and people which was sort of cute.

"How about this?" I pick up a blue jacket with silver lining. Jimin touches the material and shakes his head.

"It's for delicate use. If I know him well, it wont last two days with him."

I chuckle and start looking for others when a black jacket with light gold embellishments catches my eye.

"How about this? It's pretty expensive though." I say as I look at the price tag. "I mean they all are but this is slightly more than the rest."

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