#5: Sealed.

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Chapter Five: "Sealed."
A/N: bolded name = pov; a longer and quick update because I feel bad about the long wait. hope it's good :))


"Can you help me with the liner?" Lisa asks me and I turn around to her.

"Why do you need liner? It's not a classy theme," I question but she insists so I grab the lean bottle from her, steadily lining her eyes.

"Hey, Jen." I call out. "Could you pass me the tissue?"

I wait a beat but there's no response from the girl who was literally just a couple feet away. "Jen?"

"Huh? Yeah?" She looks startled.

"I've been calling you. Are you okay?" I ask, deciding to get the tissue myself to wipe the light smear at the corner of Lisa's eyes.

"Yeah, yeah." She says quickly. "I'm just... I'm okay."

"You sure?" I raise an eyebrow and she nods immediately.

"Maybe she's gone back to daydreaming," Lisa chips in, leaving me to laugh as Jennie denies it.

"Okay, okay. You need help with makeup?" I ask her and she nods.

"Just a bit of a blush."

"Okay sit next to Lisa." I say and she does before I get to work. Soon as I'm done with them, a knock is heard at my door, an attendant who works in our house entering after I tell them to come in.

"Your brother is calling for you, miss."

"We'll be there," I say and she leaves, nodding. "Let's go," I say and they follow me out as well.

"You girls really take forever," Mingyu is the first to comment when we descend down the stairs.

"You came like a minute ago," Jimin says before we can defend ourselves. "You should not be talking."

"Dude!" Mingyu complains and we laugh. "Why would you say that?"

"Coz it's fun," he shrugs. "Let's go down, people are already here. The other guys are with them."

True to his words, I already see a few people entering the mansion, an attendant leading them in.

"Well, then let's get this party started."

The party picks up real quick, everyone already dissipated into the mood. Most of us go around, socialising and dancing, the music and chatter never stopping.

"Hey Chae," someone touches my shoulder and I whip around to see Yugyeom and his friend Bambam.

"Hey," I wrap an arm around him in a side hug, mentally noting the other half of their group absent, the ones my brother and I were hoping would come. "Hi Bambam."

"Hey," he bumps my fist before heading into the midst of people by himself. Yugyeom and I watch him go amusedly before turning back to each other.

"Nice place dude," he tells me. "I didn't know this kind of stuff actually exists in your house."

"Pretty cool right," I grin. I loved this place. "We used to throw our high school parties here all the time."

"I see, I was calling you to ask you if we just enter through the front door but then someone showed us the way." He tells me and I frown.

"You called me?"

"Yeah, you didn't pick up though."

"Really?" I slip my hands into the pockets of my denim shorts but they're empty. "I think I left it upstairs. I'll go get it."

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