#2: Just a kiss?

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Chapter Two: "Just a kiss?"
A/N: bolded name = pov


"Dude, get up." Jungkook nudges me and I open my eyes grouchily. 


"The lesson is over. Let's go." He says, and I yawn before getting up with him. I put iPad back into my bag, not even having used it as I had decided to sleep through our first class. Literature elective. I don't even know why I took it.

"How did you manage to sleep through the entire one hour?"

I sling an arm around him before replying, "Because I'm not a weirdo like you."

Jungkook scoffs. "I'm not a weirdo."

"Um yes you are. Anyone who's a morning person ain't normal."

"Well, a normal person also doesn't sleep like ten hours and still be tired at literally 10 in the morning," he contradicts. "You went to bed at like 9 last night and only woke up 7 this morning."

"Shh..." I press a finger to his mouth but laugh as he swats it away.

"Have you got a class after this?" I ask as we leave the room. 

He shakes his head. "Nope. Library?"

"Yeah, let's go."

As we head up the stairs, we come across a few familiar faces, saying hi to them since we hadn't seen them over break. When we finally get up there, we go over to one of many tables and settle at the two-seater one.

"Why isn't Bambam coming yet?" I wonder out to him, lowering me voice instinctively in the quiet venue. "Doesn't he have a free period now too? Yugyeom is the only one with back to back morning classes on Monday amongst us."

"I don't think he'd be coming bro, he hates the library and the librarian hates him." Jungkook says as a matter-of-fact.

"I mean, can you blame her? He's as loud as a sperm whale." I shrug but Jungkook looks at me like I've grown a second head. 

"I'm sorry what did you compare him to? Sperm whale?"

"Yeah, they are the loudest animals on earth." I reason. "230 decibels."

"How do you have mental capacity to store all these useless facts but cannot remember your Shakespeare quotes." He refers to how I just could not memorise the quotes from one of those old books for a test.

"The same way you have a whole jukebox in your head but can't even remember people's birthdays."

"Shut up." He shoves me and we have to try hard and stifle our laughs because we didn't want to be kicked out by the librarian. We've never really pissed her off ourselves but she recognises us as Bambam's friends so she did not have a great opinion on us. 

Just as I open my iPad after calming down, I notice Jungkook looking past me at something - or someone. 

I follow his gaze and in my clear sight stands Park Chaeyoung, strolling in, eyes on her phone. Someone taps her and she waves to the girl before going back to typing on her phone. 

I turn back to Jungkook's unreadable expression. "Dude, what's going on? Why are you staring at her like that?"

"Huh? Oh, nothing."

"Come off of it," I say. "There's clearly something going on. I though I was overthinking in the morning but you really were looking at her at the cafe, weren't you?"

"Bro, no. Nothing's going on."

"Are you sure? Yugyeom told me you were hanging out with her at the party last semester. Did something happen?"

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