Midway/Chapter 13

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Suddenly, Kazuha turned around and saw something behind him.
"My love, watch out!"

The person or creature that had been hiding behind Kazuha approached him from behind. They had taken advantage of his distraction to attack him...

Kazuha heard Scara's scream and he immediately put his Katana in a defensive position, which wouldn't let anything hurt him if someone attacked him. Kazuha was attentive.

Kazuha's quick reflexes impressed Scaramouche.

The person that was hiding suddenly revealed themselves as they grabbed Kazuha by the throat and started choking him. They were strong, stronger than Kazuha, who couldn't resist. Scara saw that the unknown attacker was a man, tall and muscular, he was wearing a mask to cover his face.
He ran towards Kazuha and tried to wrestle the attacker to the ground, pulling on his arm and trying to drag him away from Kazuha.

Kazuha punched him in the knees and he fell to the ground. It was... Dottore.

The situation wasn't good, Dottore wasn't a maniac who saw ghosts so Scara could do nothing to protect Kazuha.
"What do you want, Dottore?!"
Kazuha looked at Dottore with rage.

Scaramouche didn't expect for the person that was attacking Kazuha to be none other than the Fatui Harbinger that had tortured him... Why did Dottore want to fight at that very moment? Was he following them there? Had he been watching them this whole time?
He watched as Kazuha fought Dottore, not sure of what to do now that he had been discovered.
"Kazuha, stay calm. This... This... This is the worst-case scenario, but don't let him get to your emotions. Keep cool."

Dottore laughed.
"Oh, so you, little human, you're trying to find the clues to a potion huh?"

Kazuha looked at Dottore once again.
"It's none of your business."

Dottore looked at Kazuha.
"Oh, it is not? You know, instead of going into all the Islands of Inazuma to find all the clues, you are talking with someone who has the potion, at the end of everything, the clues will lead you to my lab."

Kazuha looked surprised.
"You're the one who has the potion?"

Dottore laughed again.

"Dottore has the potion...? But how do we know that it is true. He could just be saying that. I don't trust him."
Scaramouche looked at Kazuha, trying to give him a warning look. He didn't want Dottore to know that they were two people and not just one, he felt that it would be a disadvantage in this situation.
"Be careful Kazuha. We don't know if Dottore is telling the truth. It's possible he has the potion, but there's nothing stopping him from taking advantage of the situation and hurting us."

Kazuha nodded his head to Scaramouche, a sign that he was listening.

Dottore was smiling, and it was not a good smile, it was an evil one.
"So, tell me, who do you wanna bring back to life? You see ghosts, don't you?"

Kazuha looked at him with a serious expression.
"Oh, yes, I do see ghosts, and who I wanna bring back to life... It's none of your business."

Dottore was starting to get irritated, he didn't like when people were disrespectful with him.
"Then, how do you wanna get the potion if you don't tell me who it is? Maybe I'll be nice and I'll make it less painful for you to get it."

Kazuha looked away in anger, he took a deep breath. Then, Kazuha looked at Dottore again.
"The Balladeer, Scaramouche. I wanna bring him back to life."

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