First step to a potion/Chapter 12

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As always, Scaramouche appeared exactly at midnight in Kazuha's room. His eyes were filled with anticipation, he was eager to find the clues he needed.
Without saying a word, he reached out for Kazuha's hand and began to lead them out towards the forest...

They arrived at the forest, and they needed to explore every single place in it, to see if there was any paper with a clue.

"Woah, this forest is very beautiful... Scaramouche..."
Kazuha was enjoying the view.

"Yes, it's lovely, is it not?"
Scaramouche looked around. The moonlight filtered through the trees and the forest looked peaceful.
"I believe this will be the perfect setting for the first clue"
"Let's begin. We can't let ourselves be distracted."
He was already walking deeper into the forest, eager to find the clue they were looking for.

Kazuha went to an abandoned house in the forest, it seemed to be very scary but Kazuha still entered it.
There were lots of spider webs, and he saw a boy in the corner of the house, it seemed to be a ghost too.
Kazuha wasn't fascinated, he was kinda used to this, seeing ghosts wasn't something new for him now.
He went there to see if there was something, and the ghost approached Kazuha.

The random boy started saying strange things, such as:
"Hey, can you see me?"
"Do you see ghosts?"
"You're very handsome."
"Why are you here?"

Kazuha sighed and looked at the boy.
"I see ghosts, and I'm here for a special reason, I can't say why, it's a secret."

The boy got closer to Kazuha's face.
"I like your appearance. You're the first human I see that isn't afraid of ghosts."

Kazuha stepped back.
"Yeah, thanks but I have a boyfriend."

He looked at Kazuha surprised, the boy wasn't expecting that.
"Oh, really? Who is it?"

Kazuha chuckled.
"Why don't you see him first?"
Kazuha called Scaramouche.

"Kazuha, I'm here. What do you need?"
Scaramouche's tone was terse when he appeared. He was not in the mood for any jokes or silly questions. He was in a hurry. But as always, he looked at Kazu with affection in his eyes.
The mention of 'boyfriend' caught him off guard. His eyes narrowed slightly, a hint of jealousy in them for a split second, before his mask was once again firmly worn.
"I see you've made a new friend."

Kazuha chuckled and looked at Scaramouche.
"No, no, he was just asking me if I see ghosts because he-"

The boy didn't let Kazuha finish his sentence.
"Because I find this human very attractive."

Kazuha rolled his eyes.
"Yeah... That's what he said, and I called you cause I told him you're my boyfriend."
He smiled at Scaramouche.

"He called you attractive?"
Scaramouche's voice was filled with a mixture of disbelief and something else. The boy's words had sparked an unusual mix of emotions inside Scaramouche. It took him a few seconds to understand what he was feeling.
Was that... Jealousy? He couldn't quite believe someone thought Kazuha was attractive.
He tried to move on from the topic.
"So, have you found the clue yet? I don't believe we have much time."

Kazuha looked at Scaramouche's eyes, who had a different look.
"Not yet but... What's that look in your face?"
He seemed serious.

The boy was just standing there, watching them.

"Hm? What look?"
Scaramouche tried to play it off with a chuckle, but he clearly knew very well what Kazuha was talking about.
"Just looking at you as normal! Do you want to go and search, or should we continue talking about how Kazuha is so very attractive?"
He teased, the faintest hint of jealousy still present. He didn't want to admit that someone else calling Kazuha attractive had stung him. That would make him look weak, and he wasn't weak. He would never allow himself to feel weak again.

The spirit in my room [Kazuscara]Where stories live. Discover now