
"Because I can protect you Cassie." He says.

"No you can't." I tell him.

"You don't need to worry, I can. I just need you to tell me a name."

"It's not me that I'm worried about." I admit.

He looks taken aback for a second. "If you're worried about me, I can protect myself." He says.

I shake my head. "No, you don't understand. He had you surrounded and you didn't even know."

"Tell me who the mole is and we can end all of this."


I park my car on the curb in front of one of the abandoned houses and get out.

This place gives me the creeps.

It's desolate and completely empty looking. Even the patches of grass that give this place some colour look bleak and dried out.

I can see why people no longer live here.

I look out to the empty field of nothingness before deciding to have a look in the houses.

Most of the doors and windows are boarded up so that no one can gain access. I still try and search around the outside of them for any sort of clue.

I look inside one of the houses that has been broken into and there's barely anything inside. There's just a ton of litter everywhere. There are smashed windows, glass bottles and crumpled up cigarettes covering the floor. This place smells moldy and damp and isn't pleasant at all.

When I make my way around the house and back outside I'm grateful for the breath of fresh air, that is until I go into the next house that looks practically the exact same, inside and out.

House after boring house I look around in search of nothing in particular until I get to the last one. My last chance to find something before I mark this as a dead end.

The last house is different, it looks slightly bigger than the other houses lining the street. The front door is unlocked but all the windows are still tightly secured and boarded up, preventing light from entering the dark house.

I walk inside the eerie building and fumble against the wall for a light switch as it's so dark in here.

When I click the switch and the light flickers on I realise what I've just done.

This abandoned house has electricity. If that's not strange I don't know what is.

Someone must have paid for it and I'm willing to bet it's got something to do with the mole.

I cautiously walk through the not-so-abandoned house. I carefully plan each step so that they're not too heavy in case someone happens to be here. When I step on a creaky floorboard I still for a second and listen out for movement. When I don't hear anyone coming I continue on.

I peek my head around corners and doors, trying to keep out of sight just in case.

I walk into another room and feel compelled to stand in the middle of it.

There's something odd about this room.

This neighbourhood is no where near a rich one, if it was it most probably wouldn't be abandoned and yet there is a fire place in a bedroom. It just feels out of place.

I look at it for a minute in question before going next to it and kneeling down.

It's an electric fire place. That's even more odd.

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