Two Birds With One Stone.

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Evelyn had been pacing for over five  minutes, Carl wanted to speak but she'd shunned him with her eyes and continued pacing. 

Joanna signer Carl 'to let her be for a few minutes, she needs to gather her thoughts. '

Resting her back on the wall with her hands folded against her chest, Evelyn asked quietly, "For how long has he been planning this?"

"Way too long, am afraid," Carl replied.

"So, even if I don't know about Caroline, he was going to destroy my life, my reputation, and run off with my money while I rot in jail..." shrugging her shoulders, "Why?" her voice shaking,

" I made this bastard everything he is. He came from nothing and I made him something. He had nothing and I gave him everything, what more does he want???

"How foolish I must have been... I mean, lucky me right? I was the one with the perfect husband among my friends. Even after I found out about Caroline, I was not ready to divorce him.

"I thought we could still work things out. Why would he go this far?"

With her hand dancing around her chin, Joanna's face looked like she was thinking about something, "What is it, Jo?" Carl asked.

Evelyn looked at Joanna curiously. "What?"

"I don't think this was ever about just your money, he could have taken all and disappeared, but he knows you won't feel it because you have your own money.

" You know... thinking about it now, I remember Caroline mentioned something about 'what you did to Jessica?"'

"Jessica Thomas? That was like what, — over a decade ago.

" Wait, you think this was about her?" Evelyn scoffed, "I did not kill her, I just made my father transfer her to another school overseas," shunning her shoulder, "We might have threatened her family a little to declare her dead.
     And if they breathe a word to anyone, she will be dead.

"But she's not dead. She's very much alive.

"Sending her out of the country was the best thing that happened to her. Her family could have never afforded that school. It is one of the best."

"But Jeremy did not know that. He thought you killed her. " Joanna added.

"You know," Evelyn moved closer, "he did mention it, but I never thought he would go this far over an old girlfriend... How petty could he be?"

"She must be his first love." Carl smiled, They never go away easily."

"And you think this is funny," Evelyn said angrily.

Carl squeezes his eyes as he shakes his head, No.

Evelyn looked away in disgust.

"But to think he still holds a grudge of over a decade... That dude is more dangerous than you know," he added.

"That's exactly what Caroline said, it's more reason she couldn't trust him."

Evelyn scoffed in disgust at the mention of 'Caroline.

"I'm going to kill that bastard, his death will be very slow and painful, he can count on that," she said angrily.

"Eve, you have to calm down, because there's good news in all of this!" Carl said.

" Good news?" she said sarcastically. "Well, am listening."

"Look at the document again." Carl turned the screen to her.

She glanced at Carl then Joanna, she shrugged her shoulder in confusion.

"This is your name and your signature... Do you know what that means?"

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