It All Game

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Caroline's eyes widened in anger as she walked into the kitchen, looked at the floor, and saw that Joanna was gone.

She knot her rope around her waist, glared at the back door, and moved toward it, she wiggled the door handle, "It locked."

Letting out a soft breath, and opening the door, she stepped outside, scanned her surrounding, and smiled softly from the corner of her mouth, "She must be long gone by now.
     Run now to your mistress —"

"Who?" Jeremy said from behind as he approaches.

She closed her eyes slowly and said to herself, "Good thing she's gone because I might have to kill you if you were to see her. I can't let you ruin my plans, — but this might be to my advantage."

She whirled back with a fake smile, "Just a stray cat I adopted," she moved closer to him and wrapped her arms around his waist. "I was hoping to train her."

Jeremy glared at her strangely.

"What? What does that look for?"  She whispers to his face smiling.

"Nothing," tilting his head like he was trying to figure her out, "it just—"

Lifting her lashes at him, "Just what?"

He smiled, " It's nothing babe, let's go inside."

"Common, what is it, tell me." she insisted.

With a smile, he said, "You sounded like Evelyn just now, and for a second, I thought I saw that look in your eyes."

"What look?"

"The kind she usually has when she's up to something... Something bad!"


"What happen when you were at my place?" he questioned.

"Let's go in, am cold," she said to divert the question and moved inside with her hand on the lower part of Jeremy's back, drawing him along with her.

She locked the door and they both went to the sitting room.

Jeremy sat down and she sat beside him, resting her head on his shoulder.

"I have questions, Caroline!"

Whispers under her breath, "I know," nuzzling her head on his shoulder.

"What happened to you, where have you been for the past four months, why was I unable to reach you?

And why were you at my house, and why did you look like a lunatic after leaving my house to the extent you were caught on camera and posted on social media?" 


Removed her head immediately from his shoulder, "Wait, social media? What are you talking about?" she asked anxiously.

—She looked unbalanced.

"Don't worry, I had my people locate the source and take it down."

That bitch. I will make sure I take you down with me if am discovered.

"How long was it there for?" she question with curiosity.

"I don't know, a day maybe..."

"Can you be specific!?" She asked in a harsh tone.

"I'm not sure, Evelyn showed me the video the second day after you left my house, it took my guys 24 hours to locate the source. But—"

"24 fucking hours!?" she shouted, "Are you fucking kidding me?"

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