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The atmosphere seems different to Caroline when she opened her eyes, her environment doesn't look familiar. Definitely, this was not where she was before she collapsed "Where am I?? She thought.

With her palm moving on the silk sheet as if she was feeling bed, she waved her head to the side and saw a black lady with long dread turning her back at her. As she managed to get up, the black lady turned around.

"You up! Good."

"Who are you? Where am I?" Caroline questioned, she sounded tired, curiosity written all over her face as she scanned her surroundings with her eyes.

The woman walked towards her holding a white mug with a red flower design on it and handed it over to Caroline. "Here, drink this."

Stretching her hand to collect it, she questioned, "What's this?" glancing into the cup and back to the black lady.

"It will help you gain your strength."

Caroline glanced at her and back to the cup and took it to her mouth. Immediately the cup reached her lips, she scoffed in disgust, "What is this, it smells... So..."

"It healing herbs, it will help you regain your strength." Caroline glanced into the cup again and close her eyes, then drank it all in one gulp with her eyes squeezed and swallowed it.
    "Although you look fine to me... Your mind on the other hand has been toyed with."

Caroline looked at her without response and looked away.

"What happens to you?"

Caroline glanced at her with distrust, then managed to stand up, but as soon as she removed the gray sheet covering her body, she looked at her body and realized her clothes had been changed.
   "What happens to my clothes?" she questioned.

"I changed it, I have to wash you up."

"You what?" her breath shuttered.

"I can't let you sleep in those. Whatsoever happens to you, the energy was all over that clothes. Your mind couldn't possibly be at peace with you carrying the scent of it with you. I have to wash you up and change your clothes."

Caroline looked curious, Who is this woman? "Who are you?"

"Oh, sorry, my bad. My name is Joanna." she moved closer to her and stretched forth her hand in a greeting gesture. "And you are?"

Caroline glanced at her hand and back to her face, she moved her lips like she was choosing her words carefully.

Joanna fold her fingers and brought her hand back to herself when Caroline did not return the handshake "It's okay. This is a safe place," she reassured her.

Lifting her head, "My name is Caroline," she said slowly.

"You can stay here Caroline, this is a safe place. No one can find you here."

"How?" Curiosity painted on her face again. "How do you know someone is looking for me?"

Joanna smiled, "I've seen many creatures come and go, Caroline. I can tell by looking at you that you are running from something."

Caroline sighed heavily and rested her back.

"You can rest now."

Caroline's head dropped suddenly, her eyes were getting blurry — she was feeling dizzy, and her mind flashed back to the last time she felt that way, — Evelyn.

"What did you give me?" She said, her breathing was weak, and her continent was mixed with anger and fear, as she glanced at the cup and back to Joanna.

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