She's Dead.

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People coming and going staring at Caroline like a crazy woman sitting on the floor.

Honestly, she looked crazy. Her hair was scattered, her shoe was off, and she looked lost.

"Miss, are you alright?" A lady in a black dress asked.

Caroline lifted her head to look at who spoke to her, she wanted to talk but the sight of people gathered together staring at her with curiosity and pitiful gazes, made her lose her words. Some people already brought out their phones and began to record her.

She tried to cover her face and managed to get up.

"Miss, should we call the cops?"

She did not reply. She stood up and tried to get her posture straight, then brush down her hair and keep walking.

It was just nearly a week ago that she walked past this exact street to Evelyn Bowel's house, everything looks the same but different at the same time.

She knew her way home but she couldn't go home, she was afraid Evelyn might come for her. She wanted to call Collins but she was afraid Evelyn might have bugged her phone.

She found her way to the nearest tunnel where the homeless were and found a spot that was not occupied and sat down.

She looked terrified and lost, waving her head left and right at the sound of anyone coming towards her.

She fold her legs and placed her head in between her laps, trying to get some sleep, but she couldn't, because anytime she closed her eyes Evelyn's voice was what she kept hearing and she couldn't open them, she was afraid of seeing Evelyn's face when she does.

After a while of struggling, her mind went dark and quiet, but It wasn't long before she started hearing Ko ko ko, footsteps walking toward her. Her pulse began to race, her breathing was heavy, and she couldn't open her eyes.

"Miss, wake up, wake up opened your eyes."

"No no no, please!" her words were shutter, "Leave me alone." her breath was shaking, "Let me out!!!" she began to scream, "Let me out!!! No, no no!"

"Can she keep it down," the man lying down next to her said angrily to the old lady that was telling her to wake up.

"Shut it will you." the old lady replied to the man.
    "Open your eyes dear. Open your eyes."

Caroline fluttered her eyes open slowly and saw Evelyn smiling back at her. "Nooooo!" she jacked back before her eyes see clearly and realized it wasn't her.

"Are you alright dear?"

She shook her head, No.

"You are going to be fine. Just breathe."

She nods her head again, alright.


" Babe, have you seen this?"

Jeremy moved closer and poked his head toward Evelyn's phone: It was the video of Caroline sitting down on the street. It is all over the internet. They tagged the video with #prettyjanedoe.

Jeremy's face changed, anger burns through his vain, and he couldn't hide it.

Evelyn glanced at him, "Babe are you okay?"

"Yea," he cleared his throat. "Isn't that your friend that left here yesterday?" he asked like he doesn't know who she was.

"She's not my friend babe, I told you we just meet. I guess she is mentally unstable."

With strong conviction, Jeremy replied, "No she's not." he said as if he was defending her.

"You sound as if you know her?"

"Know her?" he scoffed in denial and slightly look away. "How can I? What I meant was, that lady I saw yesterday did not look mentally unstable to me."


Jeremy got up and entered the room. He began to dial Caroline's number but it wasn't going through. Caro, where are you?  He whispered to himself.

He dialed the number again and left a voice note.

Caro baby, what going on, please pick up your phone, why are you at my house, why are you on the Internet? I'm coming to your house now.

"Whose house are you going to, babe?"

Jeremy was startled, the phone fell off his hand as he heard Evelyn's voice. "What, what do you mean?"

"I heard you saying you going to someone's house. Who is it?"

"Hhnnn," he scoffed lightly, "nobody babe. It is just someone that needs to send me a design and I can't get hold of him."

"What design?"

"Nothing to worry yourself about dear. I will be right back." he pecked her on the cheek and walked out the door without giving her the chance to reply.

Evelyn smiled to herself. She had been behind the door the whole time he was dialing the number. She heard everything.

"Run to your lover. We will be right here when you get back.
   Right baby junior?" rubbing her hand on her belly.


Jeremy got to Caroline's apartment and knocked on the door but there was no one. He went over to her neighbor to ask about her whereabouts but everyone told him they haven't seen her in days.

He went back to his car and her number again — and again, no answer.

Jeremy sat back and began to process things in his head, putting one and two together.

"No," he tilted his head like he was trying to reason something within himself. " she wouldn't dare," he whispered.
   "Wait a minute, — the story of her new client about the wife who captured and tortured the mistress?!! No.... it can't be. She wouldn't dare."

He dialed Caroline's number again. "Baby, you have to call me back." he sent the voice note and dropped the phone, then picked it back up, and dialed Evelyn's assistance number.

Immediately he picked, Jeremy said. "My men, how are you?"

"I'm good Jerry, how are you?" he sounded cheerful over the phone.

"I'm alright. How is it going, man?"

"Same old same old man. Just trying to make bank."

"That's good...."

"Man, your wife is not here if that's why you calling. I know you not calling to ask about me."

Jeremy laughed, "You got me, man. Yes I know, she's home working..."

"Working?" he interrupted him. "I thought she said she wanted to rest for a while, that is why she hasn't been to the office for like four days. What case is she working on?"

"That's why am calling, I was hoping you can take it off her, cause am planning a surprise getaway."

"That's cool man, I will call her and ask about it."

" Oh no no, don't do that, I don't want her to get any suspicious, you know how Evelyn is? It's a surprise."

"Alright, cool man, just let me know if you need anything."

"Thanks, man, I appreciate it."

He hung up the call and drop the phone.

" She hasn't been to work in four days??? Something is fishy, and am going to get to the bottom of it. If it turns out it what am thinking, if that bitch as lay a finger on Caroline — she's dead.


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