if you tickle them

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mother Miranda] surprisingly get a few giggles out of her before she begs you to stop, trying her hardest not to laugh and will defiantly get you back

lady-d] -she is very sensitive {surprisingly} and tickles you back while holding you down to get you back, but she does laugh a bit when you try to tickle her

karl-h] not ticklish and just looks at you like 🤨🕶️👌

donna-b] She has the cutest little laugh and asks you to stop, but can't cuz she's laughing

moreau-s] you tried to tickle him and he fell over like a fainting gout

ethan-w] No, stop that. he is VERY ticklish but doesn't like being tickled whatsoever

mia-w] to tickle her while she was cooking and her reflex was to wack you with the frying pan, she aid sorry over a million times but you still found it funny

rosemary-w] The winters family is not the best people to tickle she like her mother elbowed you as a reflex and then she said: just what the fuck did you think was going to happen!?

bela-d] She has this spot right behind her ear that you found while trying to brush her hair away from her face, and has the sweetest little giggle

cassandera-d] She hates being tickled and smacks your hand away when you try but she does it to you, just a little more aggressive

danila-d] laughs like a maniac and yall have a lil' tickle fight.

resident evil 8 headcanonsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon