what they would do when they have spare time

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mother miranda] she really doesn't have much spare time, but when she does she likes to simply lay in bed with you

lady-d] her favorite thing to do with you is to cuddle in the main room with a book, in front of the fireplace

karl-h] he loves to have dinner with you and talk about his plan to kill Miranda

donna-b] she likes to cuddle with you and watch a movie [angie] likes to cuddle up with you and all her friends

moreau-s] he loves to watch romantic movies and make lots of snacks

ethan-w] I know it sounds i bit wired, but he likes to teach you to fight, and go hunting

mia-w] she teaches you to cook and yall will snuggle on the couch

rosemary-w] yall go to Starbucks and just drive around and talk to each other

bela-d] laying on one of the chairs in the liberty and drinking wine, [not blood wine]

cassandera-d] she thinks it calming to go on little walk around the castle

danila-d] she will take you out and go on a shopping spree

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