meet your parents/ older sibling

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mother miranda] Is not sacred at all to meet your mom when you said she asked about you and tries to impress her when they do get to meet and make sure to say some good things about you as well.

lady-d] your... parents? She gets a little nervous, but if your meeting at some fancy place she will dress to impress and is very polite to them but she will be super tired when you both get back home.

karl-h] he gets along great with your older brother you may even get a little jealous and was actually excited to meet him.

donna-b] Can I just send an Angie with you? scared af to meet your dad, but turned out she and your dad could talk about flowers for hours, now she likes to invite your dad over for tea and they talk for hours

moreau-s] no nope nay nay no way, is he meeting your parents. But he talks to them over the phone.

ethan-w] not too worried about meeting your brother but he does make a lot of jokes even if he is a bit nervous

mia-w] you want me to meet your mom? She can't wait  and share a load of recipes with her and she calls your mom at least once a week so they can try recipes together

rosemary-w] act like she doesn't care and tries to act cool but is super scared that your dad won't like her but in the end, she was fine

bela-d] like her mother she was a bit nervous but acts cool and calm and makes a good impression

cassandera-d] has her hand in yours the whole time you bother had come to drop something off for you and you want cass to meet his, to her surprise he was really nice and shook her hand and whispered that she had his blessing making her blush the whole day

danila-d] its scared shit-less has sweaty hands and studders a bit but your parents loved her and asked when you too were having kids making you laugh and dani cover her red face

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