Ch. 3: The Tactical Advantage

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 Shikamaru, despite being a lazy ass, was the tactical advisor to Naruto for a reason. Even if Sasuke, Lee, and Naruto can create battle tactics on the spot, they would still listen to Shikamaru if he created a plan and try to accomplish that plan as much as possible, obvious plans have room if they need to come up with tactics to complete the plan. Whenever Shikamaru was awake, either when eating food or something else that his troublesome mother wanted, he was coming up with plans of how he and the group would accomplish what they wanted in the future. Since they did not know how many people would come to the past, he could not come up with a solid plan, but with the knowledge of who so far and any potential, he was able to come up with a few. Since a majority of the group was in Konoha, they had easy access to talk to each other. But they still needed to have a place outside since Naruto said that he felt a majority of people who will be like them will be outside the village, and Naruto's feeling is usually right. Shikamaru did not care too much at this point since it was too early for them to do anything, so he had to find new pastimes to keep him entertained if he was not napping or cloud watching. One of the new pastimes that he found entertaining was scaring the shit out of his parents, and thanks to Naruto being the best prankster that he knew with his mind, he achieved in giving them multiple heart attacks since coming home in the past.

"Oh, my lazy little Nara, you plan on giving dear old mommy a heart attack today, hmm?" Yoshino, Shikamaru's mother asked her son. Shikamaru just gave her a lazy smile as he dozed off once again. She sighed as she walked out of her son's nursery and walked into the kitchen to make food for her husband and son. Shikaku was going to take Shikamaru to work today, since it was to take your children to work today, work as in non-mission work, and they were going to have a massive meeting between children. Quite a few Johnins and Chunnins were going to be there for protection for the children of the leaders, and if they had a child they were allowed to join. Soon enough, Shikaku came down and had breakfast before leaving with Shikamaru to work.

'So how many of us are going to this massive meeting?' Shikamaru asked the rest of the group in wonder.

'What meeting?' Tsunade asked the group. Honestly, most of them forgot she was even part of the group.

'It is to bring your child to your non-dangerous work day, so some of us are meeting up with each other. I'm going to be there alongside Itachi,' Sasuke answered her.

'I'm going to be there too. Kakashi is also going,' Naruto answered. Everyone sighed, knowing Kakashi will try and excuse himself from it.

'Tou-san and I will be going, as he will be one of the guards, but knowing him, he would most likely not be guarding anyone,' Lee answered with a chuckle as Gai complained on how mean his son was being, causing everyone to laugh. 'To be fair, Tou-san, you would likely be playing with us.'

'Hmm, fair point,' Gai stated, causing everyone to crack up with laughter in their heads.

'I'll be there as well. Kakashi is dragging me to it. I don't really think I should have involved myself with the rest of your family, Naruto, let alone tell them I am an orphan,' Iruka started with a sigh as Naruto giggled at his suspense.

'Congrats, Iruka, you have been unofficially adopted into my family. Goodluck getting out of it. Kaa-san will likely drag you back to my house. By the way, are you going to Shika?' Naruto asked Nara.

'Yes. I also know that Ino, Choji, Kiba, Shino, and Neji might be there, and Hinata is not born yet,' Shikamaru answered. Looks like they are getting most of the gang back together. They are missing three of Konoha 12, but hey, at least it is a majority of them. Soon enough, all of them left the communication as each of them walked into the council hall with different groups. Sasuke entered with Itachi and his dad, Gai and Lee came together, Naruto entered with his parents, Kakashi, and Iruka, while Shikamaru entered with his dad, and the others in the InoChoShika trio, and their kids. Soon enough, a silence and protective barrier surrounded the children, Johnin, Chunnin, and anyone else in the barrier. Shikamaru took a nap as the others played around, but soon enough, Naruto and Ino managed to get Shikamaru to play with them.

'Troublesome blondes,' Shikamaru thought to himself as he joined the group in playing. All the children were playing and dragging a few of the older people in to play, specifically Itachi, Gai, Kakashi, and Iruka, two of which had no problem with it, one was hesitant to it, and the last one was dragged into it. Soon enough, all of the babies were asleep on top of Iruka, Kakashi and Gai, as Itachi watched from a distance, just surprised at his baby brother's behavior. Shikamaru was surrounded by Lee, Naruto, and Sasuke on Iruka's lap, since they do trust the other two, Iruka was just the universal favorite and okay for the four of them. Gai had no hard feelings since he knew that the four liked Iruka a lot. Shikamaru felt a certain level of comfort now that the four of them were together again. No matter how much he loved the rest of Konoha 12 or anyone else who comes back, no one can replace the friendship, the feeling of being brothers that Sasuke, Naruto, and Lee brought him. Shikamaru knew they would have his back as much as he had theirs.

'Hey guys, just a quick question. Since Obito is already on our side and is willing to work with us, does that mean that the war will never happen?' Lee asked the group. To all of the others, they all froze and opened their eyes. Iruka looked down, shocked, but the four started to move again. Gai looked at them out of the side of his eyes as he thought it over. Everyone did.

'Let's worry about it later, but we will talk about it later. It is something to think about,' Shikamaru stated, as he turned onto his back on Iruka's lap. Soon enough, the parents wanted to go home, but the children didn't want to go, enjoying their new friends that accepted them no matter what. Soon enough, the last of the children were the four time travelers. The parents were having trouble getting the four to separate. Minato, Shikaku, Kakashi, Kushina, Itachi, and Fugaku were confused about their behavior, but Gai and Iruka just sighed, knowing the exact reason for it. Shikamaru sighed as everyone stayed hooked around the poor child, as none complained about it.

"Naruto, please! Come to daddy. Please!" Minito cried for his son, tears streaming down his face. Kakashi was embarrassed by his pseudo-dad, as Kushina was doing the same thing as Minato. Itachi looked at his little brother in wonder as Fugaku growled, but he was secretly happy at what kinds of friends that his youngest son made. Shikaku was muttering about how his son's behavior was troublesome. Soon enough, Gai had enough of everyone's behavior as he walked over to the four kids. He grabbed all four of them and picked them up.

"Okay guys. We will walk to each other's places and separate each child from the group. Got it?" Gai said with a scowl planted on his face. This scared everyone as they never saw a scowl on his face and he was someone who doesn't get angry often. He began to walk out of the place with Iruka behind them, as the rest followed without question, heading to the Uchiha compound first due to it being the closest. The rest of the Uchiha's left as soon as they arrived at the compound, taking a screaming and crying Sasuke who wanted to remain with his self-proclaimed brothers. Shikamaru was next since Lee, Gai, and Naruto were all going to the same place since Gai and Lee were going to hang out with Naruto's family, including the unofficially adopted sons, Kakashi and Iruka. Shikamaru was sad to leave them as he complained a little, wanting to be with them longer. But there wasn't much he could do against his father other than cry and make the older Nara's life harder.

"Troublesome. Don't worry, you'll see them again. Though I do not know why you are attached to the four, considering you only met them today to my knowledge," Shikaku stated, walking into the household, trying to calm the crying child with no success at all. "Urgh, this is too much."

"Why is Shikamaru crying? What did you do to my poor son?" Yoshina growled as she looked at her husband with a glare that made him shiver and sweatdrop.

"Calm down dear. He was just crying because he did not want to leave his new friends," Shikaku stuttered as thunderclouds appeared behind his wife. After glaring at him for a few more minutes, she calmed down and rocked her son to try and calm him down. It worked as Shikamaru fell asleep into another nap, not that he needed it, but he just liked naps, and they did not get to rest too much in the war, so he was taking advantage of it. Yoshino put him in the nursery as she made dinner for the family of three. Yeah, despite how troublesome it was and will be in the past, Shikamaru was happy to be in the past to get a second chance at making everything right.

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