John going back to single club

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I know it goes without saying, but I can hardly write for this story anymore.

And to me, that's good news. I've continued writing, after these two years of work and strife. And to be honest, I want to thank all of you. This story was there for me when I had nothing to do, and it made me happy to know that through my work, someone would feel humor in some way.

But now, this story hasn't become so much of an important factor to my life. I've found new goals and people to develop relations with.

So again, thank you all for being there for me when those people weren't there.

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Man it was so funny I had this whole essay about how this would be the temporary end of the story as if that didn't happen already (this chapter took like 4 months to write omg)

This story ain't ever saying "Completed" on it 😔

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(Nickname changes made in the previous chapter will be written in italics.)

John: SeraphinaSimp

Seraphina: Dio

Leilah: So no head?

Blyke: DonutMan

Arlo: Gay Fortune Teller

Remi: DefinitelyCheatingOnBlyke

Cecile: Femalewithanerection

Isen: Degenerate

Darren: Doc

• • •
[9:27 P.M.]

SeraphinaSimp: do you guys want to do anything before we sleep

DonutMan: like what

SeraphinaSimp: no idea

Gay Fortune Teller: Let's get dessert.

SeraphinaSimp: who's in favor

Degenerate: who's paying

SeraphinaSimp: if no ones order is over $8 I'll pay

Degenerate: aren't you a multi-billionai-

SeraphinaSimp: after all money is scarce

Leilah: where's the nearest ice cream place

SeraphinaSimp: it is a dairy princess 18 miles away

Dio: a fucking wha-

SeraphinaSimp: anyways

SeraphinaSimp & all in favor of dairy princess

Dio: yes

Gay Fortune Teller: Correct.

Degenerate: I'm down for some ice cream I guess

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