John commits murder

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(Nickname changes will be written in italics.)

John: SeraphinaSimp

Seraphina: Dio


Blyke: DonutMan

Arlo: Gay Fortune Teller

Remi: DefinitelyCheatingOnBlyke

Cecile: Femalewithanerection

Isen: Degenerate

Darren: Doc

Elaine: Satan

• • •

Doc: what the fuck are you kids doing at 6 in the morning?

Dio: we're going on a 4 day road trip

Doc: fucking to where?

Dio: Wollsten

Leilah: wollsten? I've been there a few times for my work

Leilah: it's a pretty interesting place

Leilah: beaches, cities, and some mountains and forests

SeraphinaSimp: well we're going camping

Leilah: oh

DonutMan: wanna go

Leilah: not really I'm busy at work

DonutMan: John one mango boba to teleport leilah here

SeraphinaSimp: just for her to beat your ass?

DonutMan: I guess so

SeraphinaSimp: damn ok

Leilah: fuck you John

SeraphinaSimp: I jus liek boba :(

Dio: who isn't done packing

Degenerate: me and Blyke are done

Cecile: it's "Blyke and I" you fucking sewer rat

Cecile: you call yourself an author?

Degenerate: I can write a story on our romance later

Cecile: yeah and somehow it'll be so fucking bad the real thing's better

DonutMan: damn 💀

SeraphinaSimp: doc wanna go?

Doc: ain't like I have better shit to do...

SeraphinaSimp: alright then

DefinitelyCheatingOnBlyke: I'm done packing!

SeraphinaSimp: then hurry the fuck up

Gay Fortune Teller: Elaine, what are you doing?

Satan: _______ __ __ ________ ___ ____

Gay Fortune Teller: What?

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