200 chicken mcnuggets

63 2 1

Do you guys want the actual camping part to be either published all together (so you'll have to wait), or publish one after the other

I feel like it'd be more enjoyable to have them all out at the same time but the wait would likely be around three weeks, because I expect it to be at least 8-12 chapters

Also your input actually matters or I'll just flip a coin on it

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(Nickname changes will be written in italics.)

John: SeraphinaSimp

Seraphina: Dio


Blyke: DonutMan

Arlo: Gay Fortune Teller

Remi: DefinitelyCheatingOnBlyke

Cecile: Femalewithanerection

Isen: Degenerate

Darren: Doc

Elaine: Satan

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SeraphinaSimp: and that's 49 bodies

DonutMan: bro you good?

DonutMan: I heard a ton of yelling and screaming out there

SeraphinaSimp: yeah I'm fine

SeraphinaSimp: people go oddly insane when you cut their tendons

SeraphinaSimp: idk why


Dio: John we got some stuff for camping from the Walmart

SeraphinaSimp: alright good

SeraphinaSimp: we'll go to a hunting store for bows

SeraphinaSimp: Arlo told me you can't have guns

Dio: It was going to be so fun shooting the other campers

DefinitelyCheatingOnBlyke: that's really mean, you shouldn't do that

Dio: I will shoot you with 5 different sniper rifles in stopped time :)

DefinitelyCheatingOnBlyke: you don't have the guts

Degenerate: if a car hits us will it do some stasis botw shit?

SeraphinaSimp: I think so

SeraphinaSimp: freeze the rv sera

Dio: za

Dio: warudo

SeraphinaSimp: 💀

Dio: bang

Dio: bang

Dio: bang

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