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Ones lot in life

I shift my foot into my shoe. This is the day. The day I get married. The day I sign myself off.

You know this is every man's dream. Well maybe not every man's dream. Just some. I asked Leyla to marry me almost 3 years ago. We had only been dating for a year but her father pressured me. I know I shouldn't let someone else dictate my future. I love her but I'm just not sure I want to spend the rest of my life with anyone. Like seriously I probably couldn't handle a dog on my own.

I pause as I click the button to open the elevator. I take a deep breath and walk inside. As the elevator moves down it makes a sudden stop. Floor 48.

That's when I saw her.

A woman carrying a big bag with a wedding dress. She seems nervous. I can tell she has something big going on by the way she has her hair in funky rollers and her shoes in the hand opposite to the one carrying the dress.

"Big day" I ask with a smirk on my face

I could tell it was but you never show a person what you know and what you don't. You ask, so if they choose to reveal, you will know you were right. If they don't reveal you will be able to tell someones charcter a mile away.

She giggles "yeah, big day for you?"

I repeat the same fake yeah she did. She was able to see i was nervous. I knew she knew because she looked into my eyes.

As we were heading down the elevator it comes to a sudden stop. The woman stars panicking immediately. She alerts her soon to be husband and bridesmaids to go to the venue. While that was her first thought, I called the hotel. They said they should be able go fix the cables in an hour. But I shortened the time a little. See if she would crack

I could tell she was about to have a nervous breakdown. I tried to crack some jokes but I think she just assumed I was an asswhole instead of a comedian.

It didn't really bite me that hard because I would never see this woman again. We would part ways after the elevator arrives at the lobby and never see eachother again. It's a big city.

I could tell by the way she was acting she was used to playing it safe. The barrets in her hair reminded me of the ones my little sister wore for church. The purse she carried was one that crosses over her chest because she was afraid that if the odd chance someone would try and steal her purse. They would fail.

She started dating her boyfriend freshman year and although she didn't like him at first she continued the relationship because her fear of being alone. She was class president and validictorian. She passed on the chance to say a graduation speech because she's afraid of talking to crowds. She wasn't really popular im high-school and never went out in college. Her whole life she has been wear and seat belt.

You may think im a stalker that I can tell all this by just looking at her. But it's really all simple. Anyone could read someone. You just have to have an eye for details.

I slowly sit down at the floor of the elevator. She pauses and looks at me with a diffrent face she had when she first walked into the elevator. I could tell she didn't like me. She resented me for not caring about my wedding as she did. I could tell in that moment that she would want to be anywhere but stuck with me.

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