Revenge of the spider queen pt. 2

Start from the beginning

'I love her even more now' RedSon thought to himself and noticed that his father calling him over. "What is is father?" He whispered to his father."You made the right choice on choosing her as your fiancé." Demon Bull King said that which caused RedSon's hair to burst into flames, this startles Yue. "Ah! RedSon! You're gonna burn down your stall if you keep doing that!" Yue said trying to make sure the fire doesn't spread.

RedSon then snapped his fingers, making the flames vanish. "Oh! I forgot you can make your flames disappear like that." Yue blinked in realization before she giggle's cutely. "*Sigh*... You're too cute you know that?" RedSon said out loud as this made Yue looked at him surprised as she blushed.

RedSon covered his mouth as his face turned red. "Um... T-thanks RedSon." Yue said with a flustered look and then RedSon cleared his throat ignoring his blush. "So, Snowdrop, uh...Happy new year."RedSon says with a flustered look. "Happy New Year to you too RedSon... Happy new Year DBK." Yue said to both RedSon and DBK and left to get back to Wukong.

While RedSon was about to get back to work before hearing screaming in terror causing DBK and RedSon to look and saw people screaming and running, RedSon heard something as he turns his head around just in time to see something removed the part of the stall. "Um, Father!" RedSon says nervously.

Demon bull King turns to look and is immediately snatched by webs at first he broke from it but the second time he gets taken away. "Father!" RedSon exclaimed as the Spider-bot launches at him and gets into a tussle, before her burns it up. The case of Venom lands in his hand.

He runs off and pulls off the covers to his inferno jet. "Sorry father. I will come back!" RedSon says and starts the engine and then he blasts off.

Somewhere in the mountain with Yue and Wukong

Both Yue and Wukong look up at the sky as the fireworks go off in the sky. "Happy New Year!" Yue and Wukong shouted in unison, jumping up happily. "Fireworks! Over a millennia and fireworks are still the best thing humans have invented!" Said Monkey King grabbing another Sakura mochi from the basket and taking a bite from the treat.

Yue smiles at Wukong as then her smile faded away when she looks back up at the sky. Yue knows the fire works show aren't that short. "What happened to the fireworks ?" Yue asked while standing up. Monkey King and Yue use their gold vision and see the spider Queen destroying the city.

"The city!!" Yue yelled

"The fireworks!" Wukong shouted as Yue gives him an unamused look. "Oh, uh also people getting hurt, I guess." He added as Yue whips out her staff. "Alright, I'll go take care of business. "Yue said as she leaps off the cliff.

But Monkey King grabbed her wrist and tosses her on his back, causing the teen to yelp in surprise, "what?" Yue was bewildered. "Nobody messes with my new years and my second date, let's go!" Said monkey king as they fly off towards the city.

Moments later in the city

The sound of people screaming as they all tried to run away from the spider bots. "Ha, guess Spider Queen finally crawled out of her cesspit!" Wukong said with a grin.

Yue looked down and watches as spider mechs attacked innocent people and freaks out and squeezed Monkey Kings waist nearly suffocating him. "Spider! No, get them away from me! Get them away!" Yue said crawling all over her mentor making the cloud moving into different directions. "Get off peaches!" Monkey King said shoving the teen onto a nearby roof gently not wanting to hurt his successor.

"Wait! What are you-" Yue questioned, making Wukong let out a sigh. "If you can't handle a spider," he started. "How can you help me with that?" Wukong pointed out at the giant mech. "Sunny wait!" Yue was about to say something but Wukong cut her off. "Sorry peaches but I am not gonna lose you again." He shook his head before heading the mech. Leaving Yue alone.

At the Spider mech

Monkey king lands down in the Spider mech's throne room, where the demoness is waiting for him. "Oh, Monkey King! Well isn't this a nice surprise? Finally come out of hiding just to see me?" She asked innocently, lying down as she kicked her legs, lying down as she kicked her legs in the air.

"Didn't think you were so desperate for attention Spider princess." Wukong taunted her, making the Queen sit up snarled at him. "It's spider queen subhuman!" She snarled at him, glaring at the king. "Whatever," the Monkey King deadpanned, rolling his eyes with a groan. "Thought I'd have to deal with the kid before I got to you but since you're here, I can destroy you first!"

Slamming her legs down, the arachnid queen blew out all the lights, flams going dark. The demoness slammed into the column, blood boiling at the smirk displaying on Wukong's face.

Meanwhile, Yue has used her staff and lands clumsily on the mech. She used her gold vision to see what's happening.

Monkey King heard some whispers behind him, "Give it up princess! You are to easy to read," Monkey King mocked before he throws a punch but is stopped midair by the girl who dodges his fist.

Monkey King's eyes went wide realizing who is is. "Sunny!" Yue yelled from outside. The girl releases him throwing him off balance. "Easy as a fly" Spider Queen uses her webs to capture Monkey King from behind.

"Oh no! A web'" Monkey King mocked him like he was in danger. "You seriously think this can keep me—" he questioned before he started to get electrocuted by the web making him fall to the ground harshly. "What is this!?" Monkey King asked. "Finally after all these years, you're mine." Spider Queen laughed evilly.

As Monkey King is getting electrocuted by the web as his powers are sucked out of him and powers up the base, tossing Yue off. "Congratulations on your victory my queen." The girl said as she smirks evilly. "My special webs will continue to steal Monkey Kings powers until he's nothing more then a dried musk, nothing and no one will be able to stop me." Spider Queen laughed evilly as a huge burst of energy from the mech made Yue fall down to the ground with a heavy thus.

She looked up at the mech hearing evil laughter from it in fear and worried. "Oh, no." Said Yue.

To be continued...

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