You realize you can't cure me, right?

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hey! here ischapter 2 

i hope you enjoy this story and if you do please leave a vote on the chapters :)


After a cup of coffee and a breather, which the lady who's name is apparently Linda insisted, I follow her back down the dim hallways to another metal door. Linda pulls out her card again and punches in the code, which I assume is the same for every first door on the level. The security room is the same, except the cell number at the top of the metal door is different by a few digits. She pauses before putting in the keypad code.
Linda turns back to me and takes a deep breath, seemingly the very thought of whatever it was she wanted to say disturbed her. She then gradually speaks, "His name is Jeffery Woods. He says he has a brother, mother and father. He... He speaks of it freely. Not a bit of remorse in his voice. He... He murdered his parents and gravely maimed his brother, and... he says he's lost count of the people he's killed. I can't imagine how horrible it must be for the people who actually talked to him face to face..."
Linda carries on to explain more about Jeffery until she finally finishes. Then she makes steely eye contact and says lastly, "Whatever you do, don't comment on his appearance. Be prepared for whatever it is." I nod, somewhat uncertain about the strange warning.

After a second of silence, Linda puts in the code and opens the door. I walk in and take in my surroundings. It's exactly the same as Toby's room, except it's more dimly lit. I hesitantly sit down in the chair, glancing around the room.


I jump in my seat slightly, as a man with unruly and short brown hair jumps into my vision behind the glass. He then bursts out into manic laughter and slides into the seat on his side of the room. The laughter continues for a few more seconds, taking on a sort of horrifying melody. He then suddenly stops and locks his demented dark brown eyes onto mine.
Seeing his full face nearly makes me start again in surprise. His face is covered in what seems to be healed and calloused burns, distorting his facial features. His nose is nearly completely burnt off, and the most repulsing part was his mouth. His cheeks are scarred heavily on both sides from what seems to be self-inflicted gashes that have healed over time, causing him to have the appearance that he was always smiling. His upper-lip is similarly heavily scarred and rough-looking, with his lower lip being cut and bleeding.
He's in a straitjacket and seems to have refused to put on the uniform of the other patients. From what I can see, he's wearing a white bloodstained hoodie and black torn jeans. My examinations are halted by him commenting in a deep and raspy voice, "Ya like what you see?" I blink perplexedly, which causes him to giggle. "Most other people I see would be sh*tting their pants right now," he says, almost thoughtfully, "I'm impressed." I shift in my seat and then shake my head slightly, forgetting for a second why I'm even here.

"Okay... Uh- What's your name?" I ask, a little informally, still a little stunned. "Oh, don't f*ck with me, you already know my name. But for the sake of formality, you can call me Jeff." Jeff says the last part almost mockingly in a singsong kind of voice. "Alright then, Jeff... Do you-" "You realize you can't cure me, right?" My sentence is cut off, causing me to look up from my notebook. "W-what?"

"You can't cure me. You even know that yourself. You may cure that little dog-loving Schizo girl upstairs, you might even get through to Toby, but you can't cure me." "H-how do you-" "He told me about you. He said that you'd come here and try to cure us. You yourself know how dangerous of a position you're in right now." A chill crawls up my back like a snake, but not from my own fear. "Yet you stay... Just like he said you would. You ignored the weird feeling you've had ever since you've stepped in, you ignored it when Carol upstairs told you about him, and you even ignored it on the security footage. You're trying to deny it right now!"
Jeff leans closer, tipping his chair forward. He seems to smile even wider at my lack of expression. "You can still escape... You can still escape while he hasn't marked you. Oh, but that won't do you any good, will it...~" The last sentence seemed to have a demonic undertone to it, but I'm torn away from that prospect as he leans backwards in his chair, the wooden device making a loud crack against the floor. Apparently he had managed to somehow remove the bolts on the chair. He then begins to hum quietly to himself, closing his eyes and shaking his head back and forth.
I'm extremely unnerved, and I can't help but scoot back a little. Jeff immediately snaps his head back towards me again. "Leaving so soon?" Jeff fake-pouts. "It's only the afternoon. I've never had such brave company before..." His eyes never leave mine, and it makes me gradually more uncomfortable. "Ah, life in the insane asylum..." he eventually says, turning away from me and looking around the whole room. "I honestly feel honored to be held with such reverence. Even Toby doesn't have a dozen guards on standby in case he does something... Though- I suppose I did kill a psychologist here one time... Or- was it the other place... I can't remember..."
I can feel my face pale a little. "How did you-" "Oh, darling, a magician never reveals his secrets. I'm sure you figured as much," He locks his eyes back onto mine. "Though, I admire your guts for asking." "Gee, I'm flattered," I mumble under my breath, frustration leaking through my stone-cold sense of fear. "I'm so glad!" Jeff yells, spitting a little blood from his lower lip onto the glass. "I've never had anyone speak to me like that since..." Jeff's elated tone drops as he averts his eyes towards the door.
"It's been a long time since I've felt fresh air... I- I feel like I'm suffocating..." His voice begins to lower into the demonic tone I heard earlier, but it almost seems... longing? But in a twisted kind of way? I shake my head, walking briskly to the door.

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