A Sea Of Embers

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|| 𝐉𝐮𝐧𝐞 𝟏𝟒𝐭𝐡, 𝟐𝟎𝟏𝟓 ||

"Um... Daddy?"

"Yes, sweetie?"

"Can me and Abbey go on the Triceratops ride now?"

The young man smirked, rolling the wrapping paper of his eaten meal into a ball to discard. "Sandwich first," he then answered, leaning in close to the child, "then ride. How does that sound?"

The little girl bobbed her head wordlessly, taking another small bite out of her peanut butter roll. And her sister, sitting nearby, nodded just the same. A well fared agreement, Click exhaled in thought, rubbing his pants legs as his eyes floated across the plaza space of Jurassic World. He loved to people-watch, gauging the goodness of others through their walk, conversations, and facial expressions. It was a thing the Marine Corps taught him, and quite resourceful given the odds. Often he'd eavesdrop on nearby bystanders, hearing about their lives, their worries, and some random drama stirring in the pairs. But all that was nothing when he locked onto his beautiful wife, who thoughtlessly stared across the Mosasaurus pool ahead of them. The wind played with her long black hair, twisting some across her face as a ray of sunshine brushed against her pale, freckled face. Click smiled gracefully; immersed in her beauty and wishing time could simply pause for him to admire it longer. But heart be damned, his brain had to ruin it by tending to her silence.


"Hm?" The woman turned her head to face Click. Click rested a hand against her bicep, rubbing back and forth.

"You alright? You're staring off again."

"Oh, pft!" She grinned, brushing away her hair. "Me? I'm always alright! A little hot though. But mainly a little sore from walking so much."

"Mm..." Click started to snicker, reaching toward the front of the table. "I know what you need. A nice cool cup... of-" he shook a t-rex-shaped yellow cup in front of her. "*limonsaurus rex*."

Janet stared at him for a second. Smirked. Then scoffed as she took the cup from him. "Tom, that was corny."

"I didn't market this, blame Starbucks!"

"Yeah, that's a new low for them," Janet snorted, looking over the cup. "Where'd they even get these? Five Below?"

"Well, it was five dollars below normal -- but drink it! You'll like it."

"It won't stop me from sweating, Tom," she sighed, using a finger to brush away a roll of sweat. "Jesus, I look like a hot mess."

"What? No, look at you! You're blooming like a sweaty sunflower."

"Sweaty-" Janet lidded her eyes and shook her head, still unable to hide her smile. Click drew in closer to her, a sly grin starting to cross his face.

"Ooh! Maybe if I kiss the sores-!" He started planting kiss after kiss all across her forehead and neck, chuckling as Janet started to squirm.

"Tom, stop!"

"Is it working?!"

"Okay!" Janet laughed, slapping him away. "Okay! Yes! Okay!"

"Ladies and Gentlemen-" a female voice abruptly called over the Jurassic World intercom, ceasing their moment entirely. "Due to a containment anomaly, all guests must take shelter immediately."

Click frowned to the voice, drawing away from Janet. "The hell is a containment anomaly?"

"Language, Tom!"

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