To Lose All Control

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One lunge was all he needed to take them.

One step.

The hybrid crackled fearlessly, narrowing both orange eyes past the male's shoulder and toward the blond girl hiding behind him.

You're with them... and you'll die because of-!

A sudden screech stilled the air around them, and immediately he paused, lifting his bony head to the rafters to his right. He couldn't see anything for a moment, not until a speckled white flash of energy split the clouds into two. And, when the creature finally came into sight, Ripper's heart sank.


No. She's not a part of this.

"What are you-"

"Get away from HIM!" she screamed, lunging right at the hybrid's back. Her weight sharply pushed against the panes of broken glass, bending them out of form until they snapped like rubber. The ground itself gave way, dropping the two creatures from the fight.

And into mid-air.

Time slowed for both of them. The indoraptor and the velociraptor twisted in the air like slithering snakes on a wire, teeth biting scales and talons raking flesh. But the time only lasted so long before reality kicked in.

And as soon as the first horn slid through his flesh, Ripper's eyes bulged, and his stomach writhed with sudden horror.


Blue purposely aimed his body directly at the skull, shoving him down by her talons right before he made impact. Both pieces of ivory sharply rammed into his body, slashing through his organs and out the other end with a blood-curdling crunch. Blood suddenly splattered from the strike, turning the perfectly white surface into a mess of red.

A fireball of pain exploded from both ends.

And Ripper let out a painful scream. A wretched and horrible bellow into the night that only lasted a few seconds.

Only then did his body fail him, and he slumped against the horns.

Satisfied with her kill, Blue hobbled off of Ripper's side, landing with a shaky thump upon the floor, and announced her victory. She turned back only once, eying Ripper for a moment, as if considering what she did. She could see the terror in his eyes, knowing that Death was coming for him.

But all she did was snort. And rush away.

"B-Blue..." the hybrid croaked weakly, tears spilling from his eyes. He tried to inhale another breath, but only took in blood. He tried to wheeze, but his throat was drowning in it. Trying desperately to hold on, Ripper eyed the space where the raptor once stood. He attempted to look up, to sound his anger out one last time.

But he couldn't.

The pain became too great, and the mighty hybrid began to give into his injuries. He succumbed to it all -- his failure, his loss, his death -- everything. Both eyes began staring lifelessly ahead at the opened doorway, and a single whimper escaped his maw. The door was opened just for him, a single sign of the promises he could've taken.

Such promises became the very lie of his existence. There was no freedom for the ones made by man. No happiness for the ones who are born in the dark.

Only Death remains here... for all their sakes. He wished it wouldn't be that way...

He wished for a second chance... to show them why.

Hybrids: An Indoraptor Story ✓Where stories live. Discover now