Whispers and Wallows [Pt. 2]

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||𝐍𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐦𝐛𝐞𝐫 20𝐭𝐡, 𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟎||

"So... we are more alike... than different... "


"Your story," Red purred, winning the indominus rex's attention back to the metallic gateway holding fast between them. "It is... almost as equal... as mine was."

"It's... every hybrid story," she whispered, still clicking her black claws together in thought. "It's always been that way."

"Yes... yes it has," sighed Red. "It's... upsetting."

Indy didn't respond. There was no need to, anyway -- she's heard this more than once. Her eyes scanned the ground in sorrow, recalling the dead who had come before her. Those who put a bad name on her life. Those who failed to make a difference. But then, Red said something... odd.

"But, it is in our nature. Isn't it?"

Indy lifted her eyes as he spoke again.

"I've heard stories... from beneath these walls. Stories of our kind. The humans speak of us... but not as beasts or animals. As... profit. Weapons... made to kill."

"There were many of us. Born first in their cold claws to be 'loved' and 'fed'. Then came the tasers, the blood tests, the feeding frenzies... the pain..."

Red's growl returned, followed by two sharper coughs that made Indy's pale scales twitch in reflex. Swallowing away the blood, Red reset himself. "So much pain. Just enough... to make you snap. And then... the turning. That sudden realization that you're... different. Powerful. Hybrid."

He pushed air through his nares. "It's the exact same moment... we realize we have a choice in this world."

Indy's eyes dipped again. "That's as far as most ever go..." she assumed.

Red grumbled back, drawing his head near the vent. "Aye. But are they wrong? For what they've done?"

"The humans?"

"Us," Red corrected. "Hybrids."

Indy grunted weakly. "I mean... I wouldn't see it as all wrong. But-"


"But I can't... agree to killing creatures on a scale larger than ourselves! For pleasure? For greed? Especially if all we desire is freedom, it's..." Indy swallowed, thinking back to the indominus of Isla Nublar with a flicker of her tail. "It's-"


Indy's pupils dilated to the word. And, through a hiss, Red began to speak again.

"Hrrr... It didn't take me long... to sense you weren't so on board with our past history." he said. "And I do not blame you... for seeing the darkness in what your ancestors... *cough*... have done."

"But..." his voice returned quickly. "Burying it away... hiding the one thing they fear most about you, Indy... is exactly what they need... to break you. And why you... are trapped here to begin with."


Red scuttled a bit closer. "How much do you know... about your alter self?"

"Enough," Indy growled. "She broke free... and decided to hunt every creature she could find! She killed her brother, she murdered dozens!"

The hybrid snorted. "Do you know why she did it?"

"She wanted to do it-"

"She was angry..."

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