The Seventh Extinction [Pt. 2]

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"Oh my God."

Three words were all but good enough to describe what we both witnessed. We were frozen, Click and I, our hearts drumming ruthlessly beneath our chest and its blood roaring in our ears. And why? Sure, nothing much had changed here, excluding the BIOSYN employees that abandoned their posts and a spillage of toppled leather chairs. But that wasn't what we were after; our eyes were drawn to a television screen tuned to the nearest news channel. Beyond the speckled words typed at its base, the image projected a massive black-horned creature lumbering through downtown Clearlake, fresh blood seemingly drooling out of its jaws. And beneath its shadow laid something else. Something white. Something saurian, something that looked just like me. I didn't think at first; usually scents were a telltale reference to who or what something was. So I tied this spitting image to the reflection of myself -- simple enough. Until I turned to Click, realizing his lips were beginning to part themselves.

My tail began to lower. "What is it?"

Click slowly turned to me, both eyes swollen with fresh, molten terror. I've never seen that emotion find his eyes... and that scared me even more. I took a wobbly step backward, feeling a thousand thoughts race across my brain. And then I referred back to the image of the white reflection at the corner of the screen. I studied it long and hard, trying as much as I could to make out its shape. It's physique. It's red eyes-

My heart stopped. Indy.

I stumbled backward, suddenly feeling a sickening sensation rush up my throat. I gagged suddenly, shedding pained whimpers aloud for Click to her. My human whirled to me, noticing I was backing away, eyes still glued to the screen.

Why is she not moving?!

"Seven-" Click pushed himself before the television, grasping my trembling jaws into his claws. "Hey, look at me-"

No, no...


Not Indy!

"Hey, shhh..." He wrestled my head back to face me, softening his eyes just for me to look upon. "I know... I know..."

I left her...

"It's okay..."

I didn't get to s-save her-


Both of us whirled around quickly; Lewis Dodgson was stumbling to his feet, his chest still smoking from the earlier electrical shock Click gave him. His glasses had broken at this point, but he still seemed aggravated to recognize the two of us in his presence. As all scientists and billionaires would.

"Put her back!"

Click's jaws tightened. I noticed his fists starting to clench, the knuckles turning white with hate. But it was my eyes that started to fill of it, too, followed by a threatening growl that shook the ground with my anguish.

"She's not yours," he continued. "We... made her real, and special. We are her birthright -- you would be six feet deep under the military's boot if it wasn't for us!"

Click clicked his tongue once, igniting a memorable order in my head. Stalk. I growled in agreement, slithering slyly around Click's legs toward my new prey. Lewis looked at me and froze.

"W-What did he just tell you?"

I snarled beneath my breath. Would you like to find out?

"See, here's your problem, Lewis," started Click, giving me more room to work. "You made her. You made all of them. But you never loved her like I do... and that's why she's mine."

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