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The Majestic 12

04The Majestic 12

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Hope's eyes snapped open, heart racing at the sudden sound.

There was a groan, one that definitely didn't belong to Liam. She shot up into a sitting position, pushing the thin covers off her body. She looked around, letting her eyes adjust to the dark room. It was still night outside, meaning it was still extremely early.

She slid her legs over the side, standing up, slowly walking out of the room, making sure she didn't make a sound. These floors had a habit of creaking, and there was no way she was going to make that rookie mistake.

She made it to the kitchen, carefully yanking the knife that, for some reason, neither her nor Liam had removed from the doorframe. She heard the floor creak a short distance away, maybe coming from the bathroom.

Hope twirled the knife in her fingers, stepping slowly down the hallway, eyes scanning the dark for any sign of movement. She quietly made her way to the bathroom, pausing just outside. She exhaled quietly, gripping onto the cool metal doorknob. She twisted it and pushed the door open, immediately going to stab whatever or whoever the hell had broken into Liam's house.

There was some odd mystical whooshing sound, almost like a pop, and before she knew it, her wrist was twisted and the knife removed from her grip. She was pushed against the wall, the sharp edge of the blade held not even a centimeter away from her neck.

Hot breath fanned on her ear, the person's arm pressing against her back as to keep her there. But she was smart, and strong. And she knew how to kick ass too. She kicked her left foot out, her foot hitting someone's leg.

The attacker stumbled back into the hallway, groaning in pain, the knife clattering to the ground, forgotten as Hope spun around, following after him. She swung her fist, the attacker just barely managing to catch her arm.

Hope froze, eyes wide.


Five let out a heavy breath, "Hi."

Hope pressed her lips into a thin line, the anger and frustration all coming back at once. She swung her arm again, Five just barely managing to block it.

"Oh- shit! What the hell?!"

Hope swung her leg up, Five leaning back to avoid getting hit in the face.

Always and Forever (Five Hargreeves x Hope Mikaelson)Where stories live. Discover now