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The Swedish Job

03The Swedish Job

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"You ever gonna tell me what happened last night before you came back to the house?" Liam questioned.

Hope didn't respond, licking her ice cream as the two walked down the sidewalk together. She didn't want to mention it to Liam, because as much as he tried to understand equality between all people, he was raised in a different time, one without that.

And she appreciated that he was keeping an open mind, but if she had told him then he'd go on and on about how defending and taking that little girl home wasn't worth her own safety. And even then she'd have to come up with an excuse of why she returned at 4:47 in the morning, her clothes torn to shreds, an oversized jacket being the only thing covering her skin.

And there was no way she was having that conversation.

"Okay, then..." he sighed, hands shoved in pockets as he walked alongside her. She knew blocking him out wouldn't do any good, but it was sort've her thing. People get too close and she runs, like clockwork.

Maybe the reason she never explained to him the whole crazy story of how she ended up here, the truth about her was because she didn't know what effect it's have on the time continuum. But deep down, she didn't want him to know because she didn't want him to leave. She didn't want him to be afraid of her once he realized how dangerous she was and just walk away, because then she would have no one.

No family. No friends. Nobody. Just Hope Mikaelson all alone in a timeline not her own, a universe she doesn't belong in and a city she can't call home.

Sometimes it feels like she's just filling a void, or that she's selfish for not telling Liam everything. But the she convinces herself it's for him, his sanity, and the fate of the world.

"Okay, Hope," he finally moved in front of her, stopping the girl in her tracks, "talk to me. Seriously, you're starting to worry me."

"It nothing." She tried, gaining a look, "I'm serious."

"What happened last night?"

"Nothing." She insisted, "Except.. I just helped this little girl get back to her house. No big deal."

"Then I don't understand why you're so closed off. Did something else happen? Hope?"

The tribrid shook her head, "No. Nothing. I just.." she inhaled lightly, "I saw the way those boys were treating her- like she didn't even matter. Like she wasn't a person. It just made me wonder how Allison is. If she's even alive, or if she's in jail, or what she's been through or even if she has her voice back."

Always and Forever (Five Hargreeves x Hope Mikaelson)Where stories live. Discover now