.•. P R O L O G U E ~ P2 .•.

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Hope Mikaelson. She was a young supernatural teenage girl who had accepted a shady deal with a creepy lady in a bad outfit to work at a weird agency that existed out of time. Probably not the best idea, but it was the only one she had.

At first, things were going okay. Hope worked alongside others at a desk, but the commission soon started taking her out, and trying to get her to use her powers in front of them. Though it seemed they only knew she was a werewolf, and not a witch or vampire.

They had her test her strength, senses, speed, reflexes- all of it. Hope knew this was a red flag, but there was nothing else she could do. When she did stand up to them, telling them she'd had enough of this, they had apparently been ready, and injected the substance known as Aconite aka wolfsbane.

Hope had passed out, and woken up in a small dark room with a steel reinforced iron door. She had freaked out, and used her magic, accidently destroying the door. Obviously the commission hadn't been expecting this, but Hope had managed to calm herself down before she ended up killing someone.

Hope didn't escape or have some badass plan. No. She grew up, and by the time she was 30, the commission were sending her out on missions with others. She had straight-up refused to kill anyone, except for them if they tried to pull any more shit on her again. So she was there as a protective means. Backup.

When she was forty, she finally did kill someone. And with that, the Comission kept sending her out on more and more missions, but she resisted, not wanting to go down that path. As punishment, they locked her away and subdued her with wolfsbane and electric shock.

It was torture. But she was strong. And she never let it break her. After all, you can't break what's already broken.

When she was 46 years-old, she met Five Hargreeves. The 52 year-old man who had been stuck in the apocalypse since he was thirteen years-old. Hope thought maybe she would like him. After all, he was legendary around the Commission for his survival skills and his ability to travel through space and time.

But then she met him. He was an egotistical asshole, and she hated his guts. And he wasn't too fond of her either, and adding to the fact- he knew nothing about her. And she never let anything on.

A year later, Hope was assigned to go on a mission with Five. As backup, of course. She had been on a few missions with him before, but never had to really be involved. This time was different.

The Assassination of President John F. Kennedy.


November 22, 1963
Dealy Plaza, Dallas, Texas

Hope Mikaelson folded her arms as she watched Five Hargreeves shuffle around, preparing as usual for the assassination. Everything seemed to be going as she thought it would, including the parts where Five had repeatedly told her that he didn't need her and to stay out of his way.

God, how she wanted to punch him.

The other feeling she had, the one she always had, was guilt. She felt guilty that she could just stand by- no. Help as this organization killed innocent people.

Hope shook away those thoughts, pushing those feelings down. She looked at Five, raising a brow at the agent. "You done?"

Five rolled his eyes at the woman, going back to looking through his binoculars over the wooden fence separating them from where JFK would get shot. He paused, knowing what he was planning to do. He hadn't planned on Hope being there, but maybe he should include her.

Slowly, he glanced back, finding Hope's attention on nothing in particular. He didn't say anything for a few moments, only snapping out of his daze when she suddenly spoke. "Take a picture. It'll last longer." She stated, walking over, "What's up?"

"Nothing." Five shook his head.

"Come on. We have a few hours before this whole thing goes down and something is obviously distracting you." She told, "So, again, what's up?"

Five turned around fully, looking at her. "Do you ever feel like you would rather be saving these people? That the Commission is wrong?"

Hope's face fell at his words, but she answered seriously nonetheless. "Everyday." She told honestly, "I never wanted to do anything like this."

Five furrowed his brows, "Then why are you?"

"You tell me. You don't look like you want to be here either." She gave a knowing look.

"I was recruited out of the apocalypse. I had no other choice." Five responded. He thought most people at the Commission knew this about him already.

Hope looked him dead in the eye, "I was recruited after coming from an entirely different universe. I had no other option." She looked away, not seeming to want to talk about it. Five was shocked. This seemed to be the only thing she had really let on about herself. But was it even possible? Was she lying? He had no way of knowing, but he did know that she wouldn't tell him any more than that.

He thought for a moment before just deciding to go with it- "How would you feel about a chance to save the world?"

Hope raised her brows, her gaze falling back on him. "What?"

Five rolled his eyes in annoyance. "I have a plan. I go back in time, and get my family to help me save the world from the apocalypse. And if you want, you can come with."

Hope didn't say anything, seeming to contemplate. She didn't trust Five Hargreeves, but she also didn't trust the Commission more. And he was right. They were basically accomplices to the apocalypse if they did nothing, and if what he was saying was true, then they had a chance to save the world, and all the innocent human beings.

Not to mention, it'd be an escape from the Commission.

"Fine." She agreed, slightly surprising Five. He thought she would've taken longer to consider. "I'm in."

Always and Forever (Five Hargreeves x Hope Mikaelson)Where stories live. Discover now