Chapter 9

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(Guys for this chapter please act as if vervain has to be made 🤞🤞🤞)

"Vervain." Profesor Slughorn said, letting the word linger in the air. "Something that is said to be a weakness to vampires. One touch of the plant or liquid that can be made, and it could cause harm to a vampire."

They were in potions class, Charlotte taking fast notes to learn everything well for the future tests. She still had to be sitting next to Draco, no words being shared as she wrote down the words quickly.

She didn't even notice him staring at her with how concentrated she was, his piercing gaze not leaving her.

"Today we will be making a batch of it." Slughorn said in an excited manner. Draco looked to the front, knowing he couldn't let a drop fall on him if not it would make a burn.

"You will be working with the person next to you. Now, go get the ingredients!" Some students stood up to get the ingredients for the tables, Charlotte standing up to get theirs. She came back after a while, getting the stuff set up before she started to put the exact measures in the small pot. She couldn't risk messing up or she would have to restart.

Draco wasn't doing anything to help, but she didn't really care. As long as she got a good grade.

It was done after a while, a smile rising on her face as she saw it become the right color. She carefully put it in a small glass container, going around the desk and showing Slughorn the perfected liquid.

He congratulated her, her going back to her seat happily. She put it in her bag, her finally sparing a glance at Draco. He was now staring at her bag, his eyes going up to hers once he saw her staring.

"You know, you could've at least helped a little." He shrugged. "You looked just fine doing it on your own." She just rolled her eyes, hearing Slughorn telling them to pack up because class ended.

Students started filing out, some with a grossed out expression and some with what looked like something exploded in their faces.

Getting up, she was about to walk out before she saw Cedric outside of the door. She heard Draco, scoff, watching him go around her and walk out before bumping into Cedric's shoulder.

Cedric was about to say something but he shut his mouth as soon as he saw it was Draco.
Draco absolutely hated the fact that she was actually hanging out with Cedric. Yes he said he doesn't want her, and he shouldn't, but he couldn't help it. And just the thought of her kissing Cedric or even getting close, makes him want to snap his neck.

"Have you seen Charlotte?" Adrian asked as Draco walked into their dorm. He dropped his bag on his bed, loosening his tie.

"Yea actually", he ran a hand through his hair, angrily lifting up his sleeves as they tried to fall down, "you might find her in Cedrics dorm fucking or something."

Adrian looked up from his notebook, standing up and walking out of the dorm. He didn't care if Charlotte was going to get mad at him for telling Adrian, as long as she was away from Cedric.


"You little fucking shit!" Charlotte said as she busted into their dorm. She knew Draco told Adrian something that definitely wasn't happening, which made him go look for her. And either way she stood by the claim of him not being able to tell her what to do. She is free to do whatever she pleases without the watch of her fucking brother. And Draco's too.

Looking around the room, her eyes were set on finding Draco. The door to the bathroom open, him walking out with only joggers. She faltered, seeing how appetizing gorgeous he looked.

He saw her furious look falter, raising a brow and dropping his towel on the bed. "Can I help you?" She scoffed, smiling angrily.

"Why the fuck would you tell Adrian I was in Cedric's dorm? You and I both knew that's not true!" He shrugged as if it was the most normal thing to do.

"Don't you like him? I thought you wouldn't mind if I told him that." She growled speed walking towards him and shoving him roughly, his back pressing against the wall.

"I don't like him." She said firmly, her eyes blazing into his. He tried to not show how turned on he was, but his growing bulge said otherwise.

"Then why did you say you did, hm?" She a tossed her arms, staring up at him who was still against the wall.

"Cause." "Cause?" She nodded, hearing him chuckle. He quickly flipped them over, her back now being against the wall with his hand on her neck.

"Was it to make me jealous, darling?" She gulped, him feeling it against his hand. "I thought you said you didn't care." She said lowly, watching his eyes go down to her lips. She licked them instinctively, a small smirk rising on his lips. "You're right", he looked back up to her eyes, "I don't."

He let her go, her jaw clenching at his actions. She couldn't believe he actually told her that. She had forgotten how much of a bitch he is.

"You're such a fucking dick-." She was cut off with his lips suddenly smashing against hers, a small gasp leaving her lips. She had never kissed someone before so she just let him lead. He moved down to her neck, her eyes fluttering as she felt him suck lightly.

"So fucking- frustrating." He mumbled into her skin, one of his hands going to her hair and gripping it tightly.

He came back up to her lips, not getting enough of her strawberry tasting lips. He bit her lip roughly, her moaning softly in pain and giving him entrance into her mouth.

The sudden taste of metal flowed into his mouth, the taste of blood making him break the kiss. She was out of breath, her hair tousled as her plump lips were parted and taking heaved breaths.

She furrowed her brows at the sudden change of mood, watching him turn away quickly. "This was a mistake." Her heart dropped, her not saying a word as she watched him hurry out of the room without showing his face anymore.

He couldn't show her the way his eyes turned red because of the taste of her blood, knowing she would've figured it out if she had seen it. He couldn't let himself lose control against.

But there was no way of stopping himself now that he got a taste of her.




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