Chapter 4

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Charlotte was keeping an eye on Draco to see if anything suspicious happened. If he wasn't a vampire then he would've definitely not sensed her watching him from a far everywhere he went. He found it kind of cute though. The way she's all worked up because of him.

She was now in Herbology, a sweet boy named Neville helping her learn what she should've learnt in the first few years.

"Gillyweed is a plant that when eaten it would make the person be able to breathe under water. Quite a good plant if you ask me." She smiled warmly at him, his cheeks turning a shade of pink. "I-I once gave it to Harry for a tournament we had in fourth year, it worked like a charm." She nodded, looking at the picture of the plant once again.

"That would be such a cool ability to have. I might need some for myself." She giggled, watching Neville nod rapidly. "I'll get you some if you want." She shook her head. " I don't want to get you in trouble or anything." It was his turn to shake his head in disagreement.

"No no! Really- it's no big deal." She smiled once again, the teacher saying it was the end of class. "I would really appreciate Neville, thank you." He smiled at her, looking down and picking up his books as well.

"I'll see you later ok?" He nodded, waving at her as she walked out. She finished organizing her books in her bag, looking up to see Draco walking a little bit ahead in front of her. She didn't want to make a big deal about the whole cut thing and she so desperately tried to push it to the back of her head but she couldn't help but meddle in between instead of just letting it be. It wouldn't be her if she would just let things alone.

She watched him walk by students that were filing out of their classes as well, watching as some slightly cowered down at his intense stare at particularly nothing and other fawn over how attractive he was. She really couldn't blame them for thinking that. She rolled her eyes at the thought, continuing to walk silently behind him.

Maybe if he wasn't such a lying prick then she would actually take a liking to him. 'I do like them nice to me but rude to everyone else.' She thought. If only he was a little bit nicer to her.

He rounded a random corner away from all of the students, a grin rising on her face. She knew that if he was going to do something in an empty hall, it was something that for sure wasn't right. 'Why would someone do something that's actually-'The thought left her mind as she saw him look at her as she turned the hallway, a smirk on his face.

"It's cute how you think you can sneak up on me." Of course he knew he couldn't boast about hearing her thoughts and how she would kind of get with him, but it really is difficult to let her in. He knows he has to compose himself or she'll find out.

He watched her serious expression, her thinking about how she couldn't let him find out she was onto him. As if he already didn't know. He started walking closer, watching her stand her ground to not show him he had an effect on her. But he already knew. And he loved seeing the reaction he had on her. So he stepped closer.

"You really don't have a clue, huh?" She rolled her eyes at his words, scowling at him. She was really trying to figure it all out.

"Well if I did then I would be scared just like Adrian apparently said I would be", she hummed, "but of course you didn't really get that part because you're not really that bright, right?"

He had her against the wall in a second, a smirk on her face.

"You should really listen to your brother and not tempt me, darling. Don't want to end up getting hurt now, do you?"

The smirk was still plastered on her face, his hand on her neck keeping her against the wall. She couldn't deny how much she  "I like myself a challenge. I was never a good listener, you know?"

She could see him clench his jaw, his eyes staring deeply into hers. There was something about them that was so compelling. She didn't know if it was the colors or if it was how intense they looked.

He couldn't help but look at her as well, trying to see what was so captivating to him about her. She was always drawing him in whether she noticed or not. She wasn't the only one keeping an eye on him these past few days.

"You just wait until your brother finds out." Her eyes widened, watching a smirk rise on his face as he backed up, looking her up and down quickly before walking away and turning a corner. 'Shit.' She thought. If Adrian finds out she had been following Draco he would make a whole big deal about it. He had told her to stay away and she hadn't listened. She has to stop Draco from telling him.

Speed walking after him, he was a little ahead but he was walking slowly, knowing that she was going to follow him to stop him. Once she got close enough she grabbed his arm, tugging it back to stop him from walking.

"Wait." She said lowly, watching his eyes inspect her hand around his arm. She took it off as fast as it was on, quickly remembering what she stopped him for.

"Don't tell Adrian." He rose a brow. "And why should I not?" She took a second to think, not knowing what to say. "Cause. I'm also asking you nicely."

"Oh yeah" he questioned, her almost melting at how hot he sounded. "I never heard a please." She rolled her eyes, crossing her arms. Fuck she was embarrassed.

"Please." She said quietly, keeping her eyes on his. She could see his eyes waver for a split second, before a different emotion overtook his eyes. It almost looked like he wanted her.

"And what do I get if I don't?" She was surprised, definitely not having expected him to say that. "I don't know what do you want?" She kind of wanted him to say he wanted her, her  unexperienced ass wanting to feel how a kiss feels like. And especially from him for whatever reason.

He stayed quiet, his eyes returning to their cold look. "For you to stop following me like a lost puppy." She watched him try to walk away, a scoff leaving her lips.

"A lost puppy?! Go fuck yourself!" She was shouting out as he walked away and turned the hall, an annoyed groan leaving her lips. Yea she followed him but it was because he was suspicious.

On second thought maybe she shouldn't have told him to go fuck himself. That really wasn't good for her to say when she needs him to keep a secret for her.

Fuck she just hopes he doesn't tell Adrian.







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