Chapter 1

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And to my new readers, HIIII I HOPE YOU ENJOY MY BOOKS

Some people might not know but I have a few other books up to read if you want and get interested in any of them




"Hurry up Charlotte they're going to take all of the empty seats." Adrian Pucey, her brother, said to her as she pulled her bag onto her shoulder, not knowing why he was hurrying her up.

"I'm behind you Adrian I don't know why you're telling me to hurry up when you're literally in front of me." Her and her brother got a long but you know they weren't really that close. And she was especially even more salty with him now that he forced her to go to Hogwarts after being so many years in online school at the muggle world.

She had no idea why he had a sudden change of heart to "spend more time with her" when he never gave a damn about her. Of course she couldn't even argue as soon as her dad agreed that it was a good idea so she could get out of the house. Her mom had died a while back, so of course she didn't have a say in this.

Maybe her death was why they always kept her in online school even when she passed away. She always did question why Adrian got to go to Hogwarts and she didn't.

"Yes!" Adrian exclaimed at the empty first class seat, Charlotte putting her bag into the top cabinet. 'Can't that shit fall onto peoples head?' She thought to herself. 'Hopefully not.'

She got the window seat, pulling out her MP3 and headphones. She plugged them in, hearing Adrian scoff. "Really? You're actually going to listen to music when my friends are going to try to introduce themselves when they come?" She scowled.

"Adrian you forced me to come here when I preferred to be alone in my room doing classes from my computer." He rolled his eyes sitting next to her. "I did it for a good reason." She looked at him.

"And may I ask what the good reason is?" He thought about a good excuse, definitely not being able to tell her that it was because the vampires that had killed their mother were back. She thinks it was just because their mom was sick.

"The good reason i brought you here is for you to socialize. Yes you may like bing in your room but come on you need to make friends and go out, not stay in your room all day." She didn't say anything, luckily believing it.

"This school is probably boring anyways." She said to herself lowly, Adrian hearing it and sighing. 'She'll get use to it', he thought to himself.

"Oh and listen", she unraveled the earphones, unknotting them. She hummed to let him know she was hearing.

"Please don't mess around with my friends." She furrowed her brows, chuckling. "Don't worry Adrian I won't play fight with your such close friends if that's what your worried about." He rolled his eyes, knowing she was being sarcastic.

"You know what I mean Char. It's best if you stay away from them." She just kept unknotting her earphones.

"Ok?" He asked. She groaned, looking up from her earphones. "Yes. Don't worry about me I'll stay 20 feet away from all of them." She out her headphones in, turning on the device. She skipped past the radio channels, stopping once she heard the old music playing. She smiled once she heard one of her favorite songs playing, 'Puppy Love', on the device. She rested her head on the chair, slumping slightly in the chair.

Looking out the window she watched as people boarded the train, hearing the music flow into her ears. She felt people get into where her and Adrian were sat, not even bothering to look at them. She had her arms crossed and her head tilted towards the window, basically telling whoever sat there to not disturb her.

The train started to move after a while, a sigh leaving her lips. 'Finally.' She thought to herself. She just wanted to get to her dorm and go to sleep.

Getting wallowed into her thoughts, all she could think about was that boy she had been talking to. They had stopped talking not even a week ago all because she said she didn't want to see him yet because they had been talking for a little while. I mean what if he was a killer or something? You never know.

The last thing he said to her was that he was going to find her. 'Like shit he's going to find me. All he's going to find is a big blob of disappointment when he sees I'm not even at my house anymore. Wait he doesn't even have my address. Ha- sucks to suck.' She couldn't completely deny it and say she wasn't a little scared. What if he was like tracking her through her phone? She got a shiver just thinking about it. At least she barely uses her phone, not even for music. That's why she has the MP3. Of course she could listen to a bigger variety of music on her phone but she just liked the vintage feeling the small device gave her. 

She suddenly felt one of her earphones getting pulled out from the string, quickly looking to the person who was in fault with disbelief.

"What the fuck?" A girl was sat across from her leaning over the table. She looked like she thought the whole world revolves around her.

"Your brother was trying to speak to you but clearly you're deaf or something." The girl was still holding onto the earphone by the string, rage consuming Charlotte at the audacity the girl had to even dare to touch her belongings.

"Or maybe", she yanked the earphone out of her hand, "I was wearing earphones that you daringly pulled out." The girl rolled her eyes, Charlotte looking to her brother, now annoyed.

"What", she said through gritted teeth. Adrian stumbled over his words knowing he should've just stayed quiet and not even tried to introduce them to her. Now it was awkward thanks to Pansy Parkinson's bright acts.

"I just-", he scratched the back of his head, "I wanted to introduce you to them since you know they're my friends." She hummed looking to the many people that were surprised all well sat in the two sided cushioned train seats. There were four boys and that only girl. She didn't even want to know the girls name.

"That's Theo", he pointed to a grinning boy, "that's Enzo", he pointed to a boy who was also grinning, her immediately knowing they were both close friends, "that's Blaise", she pointed to a serious boy who just gave her a small but almost unnoticeable smile, her watching as Enzo put an arm around his shoulder playfully and watching Blaise smile a bit wider, "that's Draco", she looked to the boy across from her, seeing he was already looking at her.

"And that's Pa-" "Nice to meet you all." She put her earphone back on, raising the volume to the max. She could feel eyes on her, looking in front of her to see Draco already looking at her. His eyes were whitish blue, the color seeming unusual at first glance. 'Fuck he's beautiful.' She could see a smirk slowly rise on his face, her eyebrows furrowing. She looked back to the window.

'It was as if he heard what I was thinking about.' If only she knew that he did.



(Don't worry she will know eventually 😋😋)



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