"Is everything alright?" the poor lady questioned on the phone. I had completely forgotten about her. "Umm, no, is there any way you can get them to stop? To take the money back from their account because it wasn't me. I haven't touched it, as I was saving it for a house and some hospital bills that I need within the next week. Do you know anyway that I can get that money back please?" 

I was prepared to beg for this money back. I needed this money more than anything. I had to get it back or else there was no other way that I could pay for the house that we were about to make the deposit on as well as covering all the extra expenses the hospital was about to throw at us that were going to be way more than they ever should. 

I sunk down to the floor, the tears pricking the backs of my eyes as I awaited for some form of response from the lady on the phone. Running a stressed hand through my hair, I had no idea what to expect. I had no idea that this could have happened. "We found that some of the money has been transferred into cash, but we are trying to get back what we can, which should be at least half of what was taken out" 

I don't know if that was even going to cover anything, but it was good enough. It would have to do. I let the tears go, as the sobs wracked my body. Whether they were happy or sad tears, I had no idea how I was going to find some extra money. There was not going to be enough for both the deposit and hospital bills. There was no chance that I was letting Sky suffer any more, so whatever money I had left, was going to her. 

She was the first priority, as I could work until I hit the ground hard, just for the house. Some would say that a roof over our heads should be the first priority, but right now, my sister was on the brink of death. To me, it felt like she was trapped in that bed, waiting for the signal of life or death. No one knew what could happen, and I just needed to fuel whatever money I had, into making her better. 

She had to be better. Who knows how long she had been suffering. "Mr. Miller, are you alright?" for once, I was glad she asked, but I had no answer to her. I had never been alright. "Yeah, I'm good. Thank you. While your at, could you lock my account once the money is back in?" just a final bit of reassurance was all I needed, as I swallowed my sobs down. 

"Yes, I will" and with that, I hung up, sighing in relief as the tears fled down my cheeks with no chance in stopping any time soon. Who knows how much money I have lost to the grandparents that have hated my guts since the day I ran away. I had been strangled by my own grandfather every chance that he could get. 

He was just like my parents, as he wanted to hurt me for whatever reason. My family was so confusing, that I never knew who was related to who. I only knew that the siblings that were in that room, were the ones that I had raised and were my own blood. I didn't know who my real parents or grandparents were, and right now, I didn't give a fuck. 

And the thing is, I would never know who they are, because as far as I was aware, my parents were dead. I was sure that my grandparents weren't too far behind them, but clearly not. They were alive and well, wanting to still attack me with anything that they could, from any angle that they could reach. They had always tried to get me, for years now they hadn't had a lead on me. 

I had practically died, and I knew that was how it felt to Luke and Sky. They had believed that I was dead, but I never was. It was just another one of my stunts, that I was sure my grandparents, parents, and Shane and Grayson would have labelled it to whoever they could. They never let me breathe on my own, without having something to say about it. 

I just never understood why they all hated me the most out of everyone. I don't know what I did wrong, as I never had a choice in being born. If you don't want kids, don't have them. At least don't make the same mistake you did with me, again and again, and punish us all for something that we can't even stop to begin with. 

A sigh fell from my lips as someone emerged from the bedroom, as I pulled the cap on my head, further down my forehead. "I hate this stupid fucking waiting game" that was how I knew that Brayden had sat down next to me. I hadn't gotten the chance to speak to him much; in all reality, I had been so focused on Skylar and her being sick, that I didn't talk to the others much, and with everything going on, I had hurt them all again. 

It hurt me that I was doing this to them. Just another thing to add to the long list of reasons why I was such a shit older brother to my siblings. I had never had anyone model what love is like or how to care for people, and I just tried my hardest, but with having multiple things on my mind, some things and some people get messed up in the mix and forgotten, and I will always regret that. 

"Me too" I pursed my lips, feeling the dry feeling of them cracking all over again. "Why can't we just be given some relief Some fucking relief from everything that has happened. I'm so so tired of it all" it was the first time I had heard Brayden speak of being tired. He had never admitted being tired, and I knew that it meant more to him than needing sleep. It was beyond being physically tired. 

"I wish I had all the answers for you, but I don't. I want it all to end, but the reality of it, is we are the ones that have been chosen for this life, and I don't think we have a chance of getting out of it anytime soon. We grew up like this, and I think it's how we are supposed to end" 

The reality of my words hit me like a brick wall, as I pulled Brayden into my shoulder, knowing he would be on the verge of tears. None of us deserved anything that we had been given, and I really wish that I had an answer to all of their questions, but I didn't. I don't know why we were picked to be hurt and bruised. It wasn't like we had a piece of paper stuck to our foreheads as we walked around, telling people to hurt us and treat us like shit. 

"No one deserves this" and with that, I hugged my younger brother tighter, knowing just how much he was hurting himself because we were all hurting. There was nothing we could do, but run away from everything. That was all we had ever known, and some people get lost on the way. 


thoughts? xx

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thoughts? xx

i finally updated this book!! :) 

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