There's Always Some Truth

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Zac: Okay I'm about to go surprise my woman and take her to lunch

Bryce: Do you want to do a double lunch date

Zac: Hell no, so Fatima can cut my head off. You tried it you betta go take Angela somewhere else

Bryce: Alright man see you later

His ass really tried it my ass may be slow some times but I ain't that slow. Fatima would kick my ass and put me on the couch hell no

We need to hurry up and move so when she try to put me on the couch I can just go to the guest bedroom where I can get a good nights sleep. That couch is the devil and very uncomfortable

I pulled up to the law firm it felt nice walking in and not seeing Hayden bitch ass. It took to long for him to get fired with his little short man syndrome self.

The receptionist let me walk on back. I walked in on her and Andi talking

Fatima: Babe what are you doing here

Zac: I wanted to take my special lady on a lunch date that's if Andi approves

Andi: Of course long has you bring me back a salad

Zac: I got you I will even bring you 2 dressings back because you know one is never enough

Andi: Oh you're awesome

Zac: Oh I know

Fatima: Okay Andi I will see you in a few

As we were walking towards the elevator I heard someone calling my name Zac looked back and seen it was Angela

He hurried up and kept pressing the button to open the elevator

He looked her dead in her eyes and watch the door close on her

Zac: Nope not today satin you ain't about to ruin our lunch

Fatima: You just close the door on her

Zac: Yup no fake friends on this elevator

She tried to get Bryce to talk to me this morning about you not responding

Fatima: Really?

Zac: I told him I'm not it in and he needs to stay out of it too

Fatima: Damn right

Zac: He tried to do a double lunch date

Fatima: I'm glad you turned it down cause I would have knocked her ass across the table

Zac: Okay pregnant lady we ain't knocking nobody across any tables

Fatima: I will if I have to

Zac: Come on so I can feed my babies

We ate lunch and I got her back to the office

Andi: Where my salad?

Zac: Damn I forgot it why didn't you text and remind me

Andi: See now I have to eat a granola bar

Zac: I'm just playing you know I got you

Andi: Aw thanks Zac you do like me

Zac: Barely I just tolerate you

Fatima: Zac

Zac: I'm just playing a little

Fatima: Forgive him he ain't got no home training

Zac: My momma dropped me a couple times it's her fault. Naw I'm just playing I'll see you when I get home babe.

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