Karina's eyes climbed back up to Minjeong's tearful ones as she opened her mouth and released a voice crack in an borderline inaudible whisper.

"I'm s-so sorry."

Minjeong's mind was using all it's energy to process everything as she felt exhaustion settle on her, Karina seeing every hint.

"You should get some rest." Karina gently pushed Minjeong's shoulders so she would laid down on the large bed, Minjeong allowing her.

"H-Here?" The puppy sniffled.

The worried cat bit her lip with a nod,

"Don't worry. I won't do anything."

The two stared at each other before Karina felt her hands slowly raise to Minjeong's face to wipe the tears but the girl responded with a flinch,

"Sorry." Karina whispered and immediately brought her hand down that matched with her gaze.

"I'm so sorry."

Minjeong shook her head while she did Karina's task by wiping her own eyes,

"I-It's fine."

Karina mimicked the girl's actions by shaking her own head,

"It's not and I'm so sorry, Minjeong. I don't want to barge into anything right now because for now I want you to rest, okay?"

The weight on the edge of the bed disappeared once Karina stood up and covered the still shaken girl with a thin blanket that smelled of vanilla. She walked over to the doorframe and weakly smiled despite Minjeong's light sniffles.

"I'll wake you up within a few hours. Sleep tight."

On that note, Karina turned off the lights and left Minjeong in isolated darkness.


Karina was in literal panic mode. Oh how she fucked up so bad.

Her legs bounced up and down as she was seated at the second dinner of the trip with her family. The Park's or the Kim's, whoever the hell they were had already taken seat at their table while Karina trembled about something completely different, much more important.

She forgot about Minjeong.

The girl slept like a hibernating bear that Karina actually forgot she was in her bed in the other room. All while Minjeong slept, she got dolled up for the dinner and left. She didn't even lock the door. She cussed at the closed door that walled off her bedroom and loud TV but most importantly, she cussed at herself.

'Fuck, fuck, fuck.' The swear repeated itself in her brain.

She also knew Minjeong was stationed as a staff at her very own table. Oh god. The anxious cat's hands grew sweaty and clammy but frosted themselves with the cold as she shook.

"Are you okay?" Isa eyed her fidgeting sister who ignored her,


"What?!" Karina impatiently shouted in a whisper,

Isa widened her eyes, "You seem on edge."

Karina once again ignored her concerned sister as the fabric of her dress vibrated against her leg. The dress Minjeong picked out for her. Minjeong.

She clutched her head. The night had just started, she didn't want to be disrespectful and show poor etiquette by excusing herself since she would be the topic tonight but at this point she didn't care. Minjeong was a priority.

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