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As I walked into the house and saw Noah scattered around, I felt a rush of relief. My husband was back, and I couldn't help but approach him with a smile. But Noah didn't share my happiness. He turned away as soon as he saw me, refusing to engage in small talk.

"I'm moving out," he said flatly, his tone cold and distant.

My smile faded, replaced by a knot of worry in my stomach. "W-Why, Noah? What's going on?"

Noah silenced me with a sharp look. "I don't want to be interrogated. You know I dont't like it."

"Where are you staying?"

Noah's gaze turned icy as he refused to answer.
Tears welled up in my eyes, cascading down my cheeks as Noah's cruel words pierced through me. He wanted to leave, to take everything and go, leaving me alone in this empty house.

"Why are you..." I cried out, my voice cracking with pain as I clung desperately to him, begging for answers that I knew would never come.

"I love you. I need you. Don't leave me alone in this house!"

But Noah's expression remained unchanged, his silence deafening as it echoed through the room.
Frustration bubbled up inside me, boiling over into anger. "Say something! Anything!" I shouted, my voice hoarse from screaming. "Don't just leave like you don't care!"

"Because I really don't care, Fourth!" he snapped, his voice sharp and cutting. "I'm sick of your whining and your pathetic begging. Just fucking let it go!"

"But you did care, in the past."

"That was then. Things change. People change."

I shook my head in disbelief, the memories of our happier times together flooding my mind. "But we were happy, Noah. We loved each other."

"Love? Don't make me laugh. That was just a lie we told ourselves."

Tears streamed down my face as I struggled to comprehend his words. "No, it wasn't a lie. It couldn't have been. Not when I felt it so strongly."

"Enough, Fourth," he snapped, his voice sharp with annoyance. "I've said my piece. Now let it go."

"I thought we had something real," I murmured. "I thought you loved me."

A heavy silence fell between us, filled only by the sound of my ragged breathing.
"I don't understand," I whispered, "Why did you have to do this? Why did you have to hurt me like this?"

"I don't fucking owe you an explanation!" he said sharply, his patience wearing thin. "It's over. Accept it and move on."

"What about your parents? Are you going to disappoint them?" Fourth's broken voice.

''I bet they will be glad. We both know it's better if he just end this.''
With a heavy heart, Noah left, leaving me alone with the now cold house.


"Baby, you're hitting those drinks pretty hard tonight, huh?" Angela joked, nudging him lightly with her elbow.

Fourth forced a smile, swirling the drink in his hand. "Yeah, I guess I just needed a bit of a break, you know?"

Fah, who was always the more perceptive of the group, leaned in, concern evident in her voice. "Is everything okay at home, Fourth? You seem a bit off."

"Off? No, I'm just enjoying the night with all of you."

Prom raised his glass to toast. "Well, here's to enjoying the night then! No worries until tomorrow, right?"

"Right," Fourth echoed, but his heart sank with the weight of his secrets.

As the night wore on, Fourth's laughter grew louder, but his eyes grew sadder. Satang, who had been watching him closely, finally spoke up.

"Fot, if there's something you need to get off your chest, we're all here for you. This is a safe space, Nong."

Fourth blinked back the tears that threatened to spill. He looked around at his friends, their faces blurred by his tears and the dim bar lighting. Taking a deep breath, he decided to keep his pain to himself a little longer.

"Thanks, guys, I really appreciate it. Let's just keep the drinks coming tonight, okay?" Fourth replied, attempting to steer the conversation away from his personal struggles.

As the night deepened, Fourth's continued drinking started to worry everyone. His usual demeanor didn't include such heavy drinking, and it left his friends puzzled and concerned. Prom and Love decided it was time for them to head home, catching a taxi after a few attempts to curb Fourth's drinking.
Left with Satang and Fah, the mood shifted. Fourth's speech was slurred, his words tumbling out less coherently as the night wore on. Satang and Fah exchanged worried glances, not used to seeing Fourth in such a state.

"Maybe it's time we head out too? I can drop you home," Satang suggested.

Fourth just shook his head, his hand gripping his glass tightly. "No, no... I'm fine right here."

Fah leaned closer, her voice soft but insistent. "You don't seem fine. It's not like you to drink like this. What's going on?"

Ignoring the concern in Fah's voice, Fourth muttered something unintelligible, pushing his hair back from his face. Satang sighed, recognizing the stubborn set of Fourth's jaw.

"Look, I'm taking Fah home now, and I'll be back for you, whether you like it or not. Don't make me come find you," Satang said, a mix of frustration and worry lining his words.

Fourth merely nodded, his eyes half-closed, murmuring to himself as Satang helped Fah up and escorted her out of the bar. Left alone, Fourth stared into the dim lights of the bar, his mind a whirl of thoughts.

"I just need some time... just a bit more time alone," he whispered to himself, the words barely audible over the hum of the bar.

After Satang left, a man approached Fourth with a raised eyebrow. Tears streaming down his face, reached out, gripping the man's sleeve.

"Please, don't leave me alone," Fourth whimpered, his voice broken. "I can't... I can't be alone right now."

"You're really mixed up tonight, huh?" he responded, his voice tinged with his usual teasing tone, trying to lighten the mood despite the awkward situation.

"I just need someone to stay. Noah, please..." he sobbed, clinging more tightly.

The man sighed, his patience thinning but still keeping his voice calm. "Look, Fourth, I'm not who you think I am. It's me, Gemini. You're drunk and not making any sense."

"Oh no... I— I'm so sorry. I thought— I don't know what I thought..."

He let out a soft, resigned sigh. "Alright, look, it's late, and you're a mess. I don't know how you are alone but...Let's get you home, okay?"

Fourth nodded, too overwhelmed to speak, feeling a confusing blend of gratitude and shame as he allowed himself to be helped up. His boss supported him as they walked out of the bar and towards the car.


I took Fourth to my apartment, unsure of where he actually lives. Fourth, exhausted from the emotional turmoil and alcohol, drifted off to sleep. I felt an unexpected tenderness towards him and couldn't help but smile as I lifted him up and carried him inside my spacious home. Reaching upstairs, I gently placed Fourth on my bed, but before I could pull away, a sudden movement of mine startled Fourth awake.

"Gemini... what are you doing?" Fourth's voice trembled with anger and confusion as I leaned in for a kiss.

But I interrupted him with a passionate kiss, igniting a fire within Fourth that I bet he hadn't felt in a long time. When we finally broke apart, I brushed the hair out of Fourth's eyes, our gazes locked in a silent exchange.

"Gemini... I... I'm married," Fourth whispered, his voice barely audible.

"Do you think that will stop me?"

"Yes... I mean... no."

With a devilish grin, I traced a finger along Fourth's jawline, my touch sending shivers down his spine. ''So? You're too confusing, Fourth. Just... stop talking,'' I murmured, voice dripping with seduction as I leaned in to kiss Fourth once more.

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