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He quickly brushed his teeth, and combed his hair back letting the longer pieces of his long fade hair style fall into his eyes giving him the sexy look he was looking for when he meets with his angel at school.

He put on his black combat boots, grabbing his lather jacket and putting it on, with his keys and wallet into the jacket pocket as he left his room to head towards the yelling that was happening.

When he entered the room, he saw ember was whining and yelling at jimin over something he had no idea was going on.

He sent both of his brothers a silent look letting them know he was sneaking out to get to school early to find his princess.

Both jimin and jungkook gave him a swift nod as jimin kept up the fake facade with ember telling her that he had already left for school.

He quickly ran out of the penthouse and down the stairs, before ember realizes she was played by him and his brothers.

Pulling his keys out he unlocked his car and took off towards Rosewoods university in search of his princess, hoping he would be able to find her in the large school.

Parking his car, he got out locking it as he ignored the students mulling around the grounds, in search of his princess he spotted her sitting with two other younger women that look like her.

Yet, the three of them were so different, one has short shoulder length wavy dark mahogany hair, the other had a waist length strawberry blonde with a fringe bang, and his angle had the long bright wavy brown hair held back by a bow showing of her natural beauty.

He remembered his uncle telling him that his angel was the younger one of the three sisters that were triplets like him and his brothers.

He smirked when he realized that these girls maybe his brothers princess, if only they were to meet somehow.

His mind was working on ways to set them up without having to do anything when he made his way over to his angel, standing behind her, leaning down and placing a quick kiss on her head.

Jennie was startled when she felt someone's lips against her head, she looked up surprised to see her crush looking down at her with a smirk and gleaming eyes.

She blushed when her sisters sat there shocked to see one of the three kim brothers standing before them.

"Wahh! Was not expecting this. Jen, when did this happen?"  One of the girls gleamed out happy for her little sister.

The other sister was a bit skeptical knowing how any guy can be and she was the only one who has ever been in any relationships.

"Hello, taehyung kim is my name. I saved jen last night from jack while she was working."  Taehyung softly said, giving the girl's a soft smile as he took his seat next to Jennie.

He gently wrapped his arms around her slim waist, pulling her against him with her back to his strong, muscular chest.

Jennie looked down at his arms, blushing shyly knowing her sisters will have questions.

"Well, thankyou for saving our sister. Jen has severe anxiety when it concerns loud voices and yelling, oh and I am lisa, and the other sister next to you and jen's is rose."
Lisa cheerfully said, clapping her hands together happily.

Rose stared at her hyper sister wondering how they were related when she is being the older twin and keeping both girls safe.

Well, not anymore since Jennie somehow got one of the royal trio's attention.

"So, taehyung what do you want with my sister?"  Rose calmly asked him, giving a cold stare, glaring at him with a raised brown eyebrow.

He heard a slight accent coming from her, he was stumped for a second when his little angel squeaked out.

He quickly looked down seeing that was a small spider on the table before them and he quickly grabbed a tissue from off the tray, squishing the spider into the tissue and throwing it into the trash.

"Well, to answer your question, rose. I plan to take things slow with jen and hoping that she may become my girlfriend when the time comes."  Taehyung calmly explained, squeezing his angel gently.

Jennie stared at him with wide eyes not expecting that he wants to be with her of all people. She was stunned to silence, realizing he finally notices her after she moved here a year ago with her sisters from Ireland.

"Well, you better not fuck this up with my sister and you better treat her right, do you hear me?"  Rose snidely said, glaring at him with her Irish accent seeping through, and arms crossed her chest.

Taehyung smirked at her and gave his word as he quickly stood up, and helped his angel to her feet knowing they have the same classes to attend to.

"I'm sorry for not finding you sooner my sweet angel."  Jennie stared at him with confusion, as they walked hand in hand to their first class.

"Tae, you don't need to apologise to me. It's not a big deal, I mean we did move here a year ago from Ireland to get away from our old home."  She softly explained to her crush, blushing when he stared down at her with a warm look.

He kneeled holding her sweet face in his large hands and kissing her forehead, as he stared into her bright brown eyes seeing her eyes shine brightly.

"Thank you, sweetheart." He softly told her, standing up and walking into the first class, with his angel holding onto his arm and his hand.

He pulled her chair out for her and helped her to sit down as he did the same sitting next to her as they set up their desk.

Jennie shyly told him about her morning with her sisters and she was inwardly surprised that he was paying attention to everything she was telling him.

Across the classroom another young woman was watching them with hatred towards the little meek brown head that she hates with a passion knowing she was some bitch who is stealing her man from her.

"Ember, you okay girl?"  Ember nodded keeping her eyes glued to the pair.

Her eyes widened when she saw how he was treating her, and this was pissing her off seeing them so cozy with eachother and she had to do something to get rid of that damn brown head bitch and win her man.

"Stacy, text jack and tell him i need him to get his friends together and deal with little miss meek mute freak, Jennie kim."  Ember hissed out  ordering her friend as she said.

What ember does not realize she just sent her older brother to his grave with how jealous she is of another girl that caught one of the royal trio's attention, especially the man she claims as hers, knowing there fathers are very close colleges.

Taehyung noticed Ember was watching his princess with a hatred shining in her eyes, with a sour look on her face.

He had a gut wrenching feeling she was planning something, and he plans to find out before anything could happen.

"Tae?"  He shook his head when his sweet angel's voice broke him from his thoughts.

Looking her in the eyes he gave her a soft smile, playing with her hair as the professor was explaining their semester for the school year medical terminology.

"Yes, sweetheart?"  He said smiling at her, chuckling when gave him an adorable pout and a blush gracing her face.

"I'm sorry, my sweet love, you're to damn adorable for your own good."  Jennie giggle happily, placing a kiss on his chin where she could reach, as they continued to goof around, listening to there professor.

Heya lvs... please spare grammatical mistakes and please vote... happy reading.


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