Chapter Fifty-Eight

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Emerson clutched George's hand tightly as they sat aboard the Hogwart's Express

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Emerson clutched George's hand tightly as they sat aboard the Hogwart's Express. She leaned her head against his shoulder, feeling peaceful for what felt like the first time in a long time.

She was content, having found some closure with everything that had happened this year. Of course, Emerson knew that it didn't fix the gaping hole that she felt in her heart. The man that she believed to be her father really wasn't, and she had no idea who killed him.

"Emery?" George prodded at her leg to get her attention.

Emerson hummed in response and looked up at George. It was still hard to believe that he was her boyfriend.

"Are you going to come see us this summer?"

"Of course," Emerson grinned. "I don't think I could last three months without seeing you, George."

From across the compartment Fred cleared his throat.

"Or you, Freddie." Emerson laughed as Fred glared at her. "As soon as my mum says it's okay I will come see you."

"Good," George leaned over and kissed the top of Emerson's head. "What will you be doing this summer?"

Emerson shrugged. "Not sure, yet."

But this statement was not true. She planned on digging for the truth. She was going to work towards finding out who killed Everett Diors. Her time would be spend reading and researching, doing everything in her power to find the murderer.

Emerson knew that it could put her in danger, but it was a risk she was willing to take.

When train pulled into the King's Cross, Emerson scanned the crowd on the platform looking for Coralie. There was a sense of anxiety fluttering in her chest, as by now Coralie certainly knew that Emerson was aware of the situation.

For a moment, Emerson's stomach dropped when she didn't see her at first. She stood on her tip toes, though it didn't make much of a difference as she couldn't see anyone.

After all that had happened, did Coralie really not come to greet her at King's Cross?

But then Emerson heard her name, a faint sound from across the platform. Emerson whipped around and saw her mother sprinting towards her.

Coralie wrapped Emerson in a rib-crushing hug, picking up from the ground. "Oh, dearest, I'm so happy you're home!"

Emerson buried her head into her mum's shoulder. "I thought you weren't here."

"I wouldn't miss collecting you off the train," Coralie pulled away and gave Emerson a firm kiss on the forehead. "Now let's go home, Remus has dinner starting for us."


Emerson turned around, and saw George running in her direction. He had put his belongings where his family was waiting, and was now only ten feet away from her, his arms outstretched.

When he reached her, the hug that he pulled Emerson into was even more bone crushing than the one Coralie did. Then, George cupped her face and pressed his lips to Emerson.

As he pulled away, he rested his forward against hers. "I love you."

"I love you too, George."

Emerson Diors never thought she would be friends with the Weasley twins.

Yet here she was, being held by love of her life on Platform 9 and 3/4 by George Weasley, who was stealing her breath away while he looked adoringly into her eyes.

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