Update Part 2

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I have spent the last two days reading almost every comment that all of my readers have left on this book, and I decided that as I begin rewriting it that there are many things I will take it to consideration:

One: Everyone seemed to love Emery's childish attitude that was developed during her fourth year (or the Chamber of Secrets timeline). I have decided that I'm going to keep her like that because it actually made her seem like a young girl who was friends with the Weasley twins

Two: There were a few occurrences that happened throughout the book that I realized were not properly explained, such as Emery being in a walking boot after her Quidditch accident. That was not explained at all, and honestly I don't even know why I put it in there because magic can literally "mend bones in a heartbeat."

Three: The was a lot of different opinions on the whole Oliver Wood crush type thing. I will not be explaining any further, so the updates will do that for me.

There are also some changes that I want everyone to be aware of:

One: I changed the perspective from first to third person in this book. I feel like by doing that I can actually make it all seem more cohesive and less gibberish. Seriously, my 15 year old writing was just plain not good.

Two: I kind of maybe possibly maybe might have taken Emery off of the Quidditch team. She will still be very active in the Quidditch thing as I decided to make her a reserve player. Again, it was also very cliché to me and I realized that it was probably done in all of the books.

Three: The George Weasley love story shit will actually be present. I honestly have no idea what the fuck was up with me spending half of my time writing about Oliver. (As I write this i just got the sudden urge to write an Oliver Wood fan fic for the New Perspective series)

I will also be adding some more filler chapters, Just to make the book a little bit more interesting to read. And please please please, if anyone has any suggestions or ideas that they think I should incorporate, let me know.

This book will be updated a lot faster than I expected because I have done nothing else but write these past couple of days.

Once again, thank you all for your support!

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