4| Beneath the Surface

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As I slowly emerged from the depths of slumber, I felt the gentle caress of sunlight on my face, like a tender kiss from the morning sky. The world around me was still and serene, as if holding its breath in anticipation of her awakening.

With each sleepy blink, I embraced the dawning day, its vibrant hues painting the canvas of my dreams. The air whispered with the promise of new beginnings, and as I stretched my limbs, I could almost hear the symphony of possibilities playing in the distance.

As the golden rays of dawn gently kissed my face, I awakened to the symphony of a new day. With each breath, I embraced the promise of endless possibilities, like a delicate flower unfurling its petals to the world. The morning I air whispered secrets of hope and adventure, coaxing me from the realm of dreams into the embrace of reality.

In that fleeting moment between sleep and wakefulness, I felt a surge of gratitude for the gift of another day, a chance to chase my dreams and create my own story.

Oh my! I sit upright.
I was greeted by a delightful surprise. Before me, on a tray adorned with delicate flowers, lay a breakfast fit for a queen. The aroma of freshly brewed coffee and warm pastries danced in the air, enticing my senses.

The sight of colorful fruits and a steaming plate of pancakes made my heart flutter with joy. It was as if the morning itself had conspired to bring her this moment of pure indulgence.

With a grateful smile, I savored each bite, feeling loved and cherished in the embrace of this thoughtful gesture. The morning sun bathed the room in a golden glow, and as I enjoyed my breakfast in bed, I couldn't help but feel that this day held the promise of extraordinary moments yet to unfold.

I hear I knock on my door..
"Come in.." I yell,Mrs Lia comes in. "Good morning Mrs Lia".
"Morning Harper!"She smiles looking at my empty plate. "Wow you finished everything"
"Yes Mrs Lia,Was it prepared by you?"
"Yes Harper!I wanted to start your day with a yummy breakfast"She cups my cheek.
"Awwn..Thank you Mrs Lia"I smiled. "What about my mum?"
"She left an hour ago"Mrs Lia said.
"Hmm.."I interjected. "Did she tell you where she went to?"
"No Harper,She only said it was urgent"Mrs Lia raised her brows.

I nodded slowly,she bends to take my empty dish to the Kitchen.I hold her hand.
"No Mrs Lia,Your my elder.I can take my plate to the kitchen"I stood up taking my plate to the kitchen,Mrs Lia leaves.

With a heart brimming with hope, I rose from my cozy cocoon, ready to embrace the adventures that awaited my in the waking world.

I quickly washed my plate,Humming get you the moon by Kira.

I decided to search my mum's room while she was gone.My phone beeps as I approached my mum's room sneakily...I got a notification from Alex saying she was already at my door.I turned back to open the door for her.

As I opened the door,I see Alex standing with a small bag.She is wearing a navy blue Jean skirt,a yellow hoodie and her boots.

"Alex?"I stunned surprise at her looks.
"Harper!"She turns around elated. "I'm staying in your house for the mean time"
"Omg!Why?"I was excited but on a second thought I wondered why she wants to stay with me.
"My parents are traveling,So I told them I wanted to stay with you and they agreed"Alex smiled.
"Alex you don't know how excited I'm right now"I screamed. "Come in!"

I take Alex back and placed it on the couch.I explained my plan on searching my mum's room to her.

"Your searching your mum's room?"Alex increased her voice.
"Shh!"I closed her mouth. "Don't say a word!Mrs Lia is upstairs"
"Mrs Lia?"Alex raised her brows. "Who is she?Your Aunt?"

How do I explain this to Alex?

"Alex don't worry I'll explain everything to you later"I took a deep breath. "But for now I have to search my mum's room for clues before she gets back".

"Harper you still on your night wear!"Alex rolls her eyes.
"It doesn't Make a difference,let's go!"I drag her with me to my mum's room.

I try to open the door but it's locked.
"Uh.."I face palm.

Where could mum have hid the key to her room?

I try to think of places where my mum would probably hid her spare key,There is high possibility that she took the actual one with her.

"Harper!"Alex taps me all of a sudden.
"Leave me Alex!I'm trying to think"I rub my hair.
"Harper!Look down"Alex whispers in hush tone.

I look at the foot-mat Alex was pointing at,I see a rough bump on it.I bend low to raise the mat and I see a bunch of keys under the mat.

"Woah"I exclaimed picking it up.
"So many keys.."Alex jaw open wide.

I try to unlock the door with different keys to see the one of best fit,After so many trials the door unlocked with a key which had a gem-like head amongst the keys.

As we stepped in,I couldn't shake off the feeling of unease as I searched for clues that could shed light on my secretive mom's whereabouts. With each step I took through her room, I couldn't help but feel a mix of curiosity and worry. I carefully combed through her room, hoping to find something that would provide a glimpse into her mysterious world.

I started by rummaging through her drawers, searching for any hidden notes or letters. My heart raced as I discovered a small, locked box tucked away in the back. With trembling hands, I managed to find the key hidden beneath her jewelry. As I opened the box, I was greeted by a collection of old photographs, each one capturing moments from her past that I had never seen before.

"Who are these?" I questioned in hush tone flipping through the photos.

I see my mum with a little boy and girl,I guess the girl should be me but who is this boy?My mind raced with questions as I examined each photo, trying to piece together the puzzle of my mom's life. Who were these people? What secrets did they hold? I couldn't help but wonder if these images held the key to understanding her secretive nature.

Next, I turned my attention to second phone, hoping to find any digital breadcrumbs that could lead me closer to her. I scrolled through her messages, searching for any conversations that might provide a clue. But to my frustration, everything seemed normal and mundane. It was as if her secrets were locked away in a hidden vault, inaccessible to me.

Feeling a mix of determination and desperation, I expanded my search beyond the confines of our home. I reached out to her closest friends with her second phone, hoping they might have some insight into her recent actions. But they too were left in the dark, unaware of her current whereabouts.

"So what should we do with the photos?"Alex asked.
"I can't keep them,Mum might suspect me if it goes missing"I heaved a sigh. "I see Days turning into weeks, and my search for answers will definitely continue".

I couldn't help but feel a sense of longing and emptiness, missing the warmth and comfort of my mom's presence. But I knew I had to keep going, keep searching, in the hopes of unraveling the mystery that surrounded her.

In the midst of my search, I realized that perhaps the answers I sought weren't solely found in physical clues or digital messages. Maybe, just maybe, the key to understanding my mom's secretive nature lay within our own relationship. I began reflecting on our past conversations, trying to recall any hints or subtle cues she may have given me.

As I delved deeper into my memories, I started to piece together fragments of conversations that suddenly took on new meaning. It was as if a veil had been lifted, and I began to understand that my mom's secrecy wasn't only about hiding something from me, but hiding these photos that has so many meanings away from me.

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