Chapter Nine

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TW's: None :) 

Emily's routine became waking up working with Clara on paper work, meeting with Jeremy and zooming with Lawyers. On the third day of this routine as she was settling down across form Clara at the Yale-NUS College library to get some work done her phone rang, the screen displayed a number but no name, she picked it up half expecting it to be one of the Lawyers instead Alyvia was on the other line

"Agent Emily?" She said with forced confidence, Emily's eyes met Clara's, she had touched base with Alyvia once she made it back to the school but Alvyia had insisted to her that she was fine.

"Ali, is everything okay sweetheart?" Emily had heard the nickname in passing from her friends, at the moment it kind of just slipped out.

"Nothing! I am absolutely amazing, I just wanted to check in and see how you are doing? Are you still in Singapore or have you left?"

"I'm okay, and yes I am still here. You can also call me just Emily no need to worry about the Agent part. Are you sure you're okay? " Emily had been holding off on telling Alyvia about the potential adoption even though she really wanted to, but the chance of it falling through was still present. The last thing she wanted to do was get the girls hopes up only to let her down.

"Yes! 100% I am settling in wonderfully, just wonderfully." Alvyia did not want to admit to Emily the truth of what was happening, she just couldn't do that, she couldn't put that on her, but she also could not take another day of this, each moment felt like her skin was crawling. She just needed to hear Emily's voice, even if soon it would dissipate due to time zones and forgotten promises, it always worked that way.

"Hey, Ali?"

"Yes?" she said in a chipper tone,

"How about I come see you today? After school?"

"Oh! That- That would be nice."

"Well it's settled, I'll stop by your dorm at 3:30?"

"Sounds good to me, I'll see you then!" With that the line disconnected and Emily placed her two fingers on her temple letting out a sigh, "She is lying through her teeth." she mumbled to Clara,


"Being okay, she's overcompensating in her tone, she's trying too hard to prove everything's okay. There is something that she is not telling me- I know it but I can't place it."

"Hmmm, sounds like someone I know."

Another sigh escaped Emily's lips- "Me?" Clara got up from the table and sat next to her resting her head on Emily's shoulder, a silent confirmation to her question, as well as a silent reassurance that things would be okay.


True to her word Emily was waiting outside Alyvia's room when she got back from her last class, making sure to paint on a believable smile she greeted Emily,

" Hi!" With a smooth and calm,

"Hi" in return Emily followed the teen into her dorm, it was not too small but definitely not big either. Ali's side had some posters and books, as well as a few dying plants. Sitting on the edge of the half-made bed Emily asked,

" What do you want to do?"

"How about coffee?"

"Sounds like a plan, could we take the train?"

"Sure, I haven't ridden it yet so you gotta lead the way though."

Taking a dramatic bow, Alvyia announces " Of course, today I am your guide." 

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