Chapter One

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Trigger warnings: Violence ( only discussed in context of the case )

           "Clara, it's so early" Emily playfully whines, leaning into Clara's shoulder. She would only complain about the departure time of a flight with Clara, normally she doesn't mind being awake at ungodly hours to get on a plane but today is the long haul flight to Singapore from London. Emily had been doing some work overseas again and helping out different devisons, Clara and her team reached out and asked if Emily would be willing to join them in this case. They go a long way back, so of course Emily could not say no.
        She missed the team back home, Penelope is constantly sending her pictures of Sergio doing silly things. Spence and Emily are doing a book club, and JJ (Chetobreath) make sure to get in two rounds of scrabble a week. Hotch approved this time to aid overseas, quoting " It would be good for you to get some time away" Even though Emily knew it was the same work in a different country. Regardless, this will be her last case before returning home, Emily had been dreaming about her own bed, room, and apartment. Living out of a suitcase is only fun for so long.
Russ looks over at Emily and Clara plays fighting on the plane's couch, " You guys ready to debrief the case?" Russ is the Penelope of the IRT  (International Task Force), he works well with computers often communicating with Pen.
         "Two international students went missing from the Transatlantic School Singapore (TSS) and  then turned up dead, within the span of two weeks. Both were considerably beat up with strangulation marks on their necks, there was signs of Sexual Assault as well. But the concluding cause of death was an lethal injection of  Feyntanl mixed with Morphine."
        "Why are we needed?" Emily asked  genuinely curious,
      " The school is largely popular with diplomatic children and expat Americans. We have been called in to help the police create a profile. As Singapore's crime rate is considerably lower than the States with the Murder Rate being 0.38 while the USA's is 5. (10x times more murder in the US) Therefore this type of case is not new but highly uncommon, we work with the police task force Singapore and the US embassy has set up. Unlike in the States we can only conduct interviews, help build a profile, ride along but we don't interfere with the case otherwise." Jack explains. Mae ads
        " Singapore has no firearms law unless you are a part of the army or the police force. We follow those rules, meaning we are leaving our firearms on the plane." Emily nods.
         " Since both Girls went missing from the same school, what else do we know about it?" Matt questions,
        " Well it was founded in 1985, as a boarding school it still offers boarding to students who need it. It's kind of two schools in one there is a junior college that teaches 16-18 and a regular college that teaches 18-25. Both share the same campus that's located between Bukit Botok and Bukit Gambot on the north of the island, they have received many awards for the excellence of teaching." Russ finishes explaining.
       "The Unsubs preference seems to be blonde/brunette girls with curly hair. Maria Stiner 17, Collette Hamel 17. Both disappeared from campus between 10 pm and 1 am, and were found 24 hours later. Maria was found in Kranji, and Collette was found in Tampanines." Says  Jack, passing around pictures of the case.     

       " Look at the way they are positioned," Clara notes "their hands placed by their sides, their clothes ripped but put back on post mortem. That shows some sense of remorse,  but then you consider the Sexual Assault and look at thier faces and the words crved into thier calfs" she points to how thier faces are beatten until uncrognizable and the words slut and bitch crved one on each girls legs "They show a lack of care and a hatered tword these girls. The cuts are shallow and uncertain, so the Unsub could be younger or experimenting with their style."
         The team shared solemn   looks of agreement, knowing there was not much else they could do tonight. Eventually everyone had spread themselves throughout the plane trying to get some sleep before they landed around 10:00 am SGT.

          Alyvia tossed and turned in her bed, waking up gasping for air.
        "Please no, no no don't leave me!" she kept whispering over and over. Rolling over she sees Mei still fast asleep, thankful this time she did not wake her up. Picking up her phone, the clock reads 5:50 am. Knowing that her alarm will just go off in an hour, Alyvia slides out of bed, slips on her long sleeved workout set, grabs her hand wraps and heads to the gym. Boxing would always clear her mind after a nightmare, plus staying in bed to stare at the wall for an hour was not a very productive option.
         The campus was quiet before all the students either woke up or arrived, her school's gym was nice at least, it was the kind of place that cared more about appearances than their students' well -being. The humid air was not too hot yet it did not frizz up her long curly dusty blond hair. Hands wrapped, no gloves this morning though, pain she wanted to feel pain. Physical pain helped her numb all the emotions. After an hour and a half of switching between boxing and weights she squeezed in a quick shower before school. Alyiva headed straight to the dining hall where she found her friends all sitting in their normal spot.
       " Hey! Where were you this morning? I didn't see you when I got up" Mei asked, handing Alyvia her cup of morning coffee.
       " Ooo Ooo! I know," Zatana's hand raised above her head pretending to be in class, this made Alyvia giggle nodding to Zatana letting her know she can continue.
        " The gym!" Zatana dragged out the "m".
        " Correct, this time..." Alyvia said, mocking Ms. Ram who was a mean teacher no one liked. Nyoko gave each girl a quick hug before joining them at the table,
        "Morning" she mumbled, still half asleep.
        "Morning" they all chimed in different tones and energy levels. Alyvia, Zatana, and Mei were the only ones in the friend group who roomed at the school's dorms. Nyoko, Sanjana and Faye lived on the island with their families.
        " Happy Tuesday," Faye walks in with a venti starbucks and a glass bottle of her favorite tea (Throat Coat)
        " Had yet another gig last night, down by Lavo. Decent crowd too, but late night" Sanjana walking in  beside her,
        " She told me all about it on the bus ride in, I mean I am proud of her endlessly so but... you need more sleep my love. I can see the exhaustion in your eyes, plus she had to speed copy my homework for english today. If that's not a sign I don't know what is." Sanjana was the mom of the group or so they like to joke, she always called everyone my love, hun, or sweetheart. Nyoko clicked her tongue  
          " Naughty naughty Faye, if you fall asleep on me in Physics yet again, may I add. We might just need to stage an intervention." She joked.
          "But in all seriousness we love your music career and when you're famous you better take us on stage or something" Alyiva added. The school bell rang, signaling five to eight, the group of girls got up and disbanded for their morning classes. Mei and Alyvia had english together first,
         " Was it another one of the nightmares?" Mei asks Alyvia under her breath
         " Yea, but it's okay really. I'm fine, don't worry."
         " I will always worry about you, just a little bit. And no it's not okay it's the fourth one this week."
         "Really, I wasn't keeping count, '' Alyvia counters, shrugging with a smile. Both girls quickly changed the subject to the most recent music news, something about Taylor Swift and Noah Khan might be visiting Singapore to perform a concert. What Alyvia didn't say was that it was actually the seventh this week, and each time it wore her out a little more than the last.

I hope you liked it! I promise they meet soon, just have to set up the dynamics first. I wrote it on the plane to Perth so please don't mind any spelling or grammar mistakes. Don't forget to drink some water, eat something and take care of yourself <3

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