Chapter Eight

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Trigger Warnings: Sh, Sa, Ed, Panic attack.

I wanted to make a little note before this next chapter, and as a little note in regards to the rest of the book (at least for the foreseeable future) Mental Health struggles will become more prevalent with a lot of the characters and there will be hard conversations/situations. I want to write it with as little detail as possible so as to not trigger anyone, but sometimes there will be detail to get the story across. I also can't account for everyone's triggers as they differ, and that makes sense because we all have varying experiences. Therefore trigger warnings will still be listed at the top of each chapter and if we are covering a topic in-depth, I will write a little note, and leave a phone number you can contact if you need support. 

Please remember this book will always be here but your mental health comes first so take care of you first and foremost :) 

This chapter covers a situation with SH if you need help: Crisis Text Line:; Text 714 714, S.A.F.E. Alternatives:; 1-800-DONT-CUT.  & SA if you need help: Call this number: 1-800-656-4673 or RAINN:; 800.656.HOPE (4673)

(You might not even read this or skip over it, and that's ok but I still want it to be here just in case.)


Exiting Mount Elizabeth's doors Emily hailed a cab resting her head on the windowsill exhaustion racked her jet lagged body, outside the glass she could see Orchard pass by, the Ions large building towering over the street, Plaza Singapora bustling with the morning crowd, closing her eyes for a second she woke to Clarke Quay passing by the restaurants mostly closed. The historic Raffles Place with its large arches and tall window panes greeted her as she went to her room making sure the lock was surely fastened she hadn't quite dropped the habit of checking behind her shoulder everywhere she went, the first thing she did before settling into the desk was properly checking her phone.

After everything that happened with Doyle, Declan had stayed with Emily for a bit before his new adoptive parents came back from a trip overseas; they lived in the same area where his school was in as well as his friends. His new parents and Emily had worked out a plan where he could come stay on his school breaks if he wanted to, he was growing up and still working through what happened, Declan opted more for the option of checking in via text when prompted mostly by Emily. She noted he had "thumbs up" her text about how he was doing. She slowly shifted her attention from her phone to her laptop. Emily had wanted to take Declan in, but he had a life one he had built and was built before, the Doyle situation.

She knew deep down it would have been unfair to remove him from that environment especially after the trauma of being kidnapped by your mother but not your mother and watching your father but not your father die in front of you. When Emily first met Alvyia there was this connection she had only felt a few times before, with Carrie, Declan, and another little girl Jody, all of them had either family or pre-existing things that got in the way of her pursuing fostering or even adoption. Alvyia was a lot like herself, in more ways than she could count. She wanted to give this girl an opportunity to feel cared about and safe.

Laying her head against the headboard she went to work doing some research on how one might adopt a child in a situation like Alvyia's. Most of the information she found was covering how one could adopt a child from another country and how hard it would be to require a visa, the other main one was how to adopt a family member but you had to be a relative and Emily wasn't. Emily had read the file she knew the Embassy planned to fly Alvyia back to the US in just a few months so either way she was going to be placed with a family. After the long couple of days that had just happened, tired and exhausted Emily finally turned off her laptop just as her eyes began to grow sore from staring at a screen for so long. She decided to roll off the bed and drag herself to the shower, as the water fell over her unwashed hair it felt good to get the past few days grime off.

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