Chapter 21

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Everyone started to panic as all hell began to break loose and everyone scattered in all directions as a couple people ran to the infant area to make sure the younger kids were okay and Sophie ran off to where the loud bang was and she saw the most gruesome sight she'd ever seen. She saw Judy and a young boy lying dead on the floor with their stomachs ripped out and blood was covering the surrounding area but the walker was nowhere to be found. The source of the noise was discovered to be the boy stealing the M-16 Connor used to use and Judy was trying to coax him into giving it back. The boy thought the safety was on but he ended up firing a shot towards the window. Sophie fell to her knees at the gruesome sight as held a hand over her mouth but she didn't have any time to mourn as the boys corpse began to twitch as did Judy's soon after. Sophie was forced to make a run for the rifle which was still lying on the floor but as she grabbed it she saw Judy had unloaded it and the magazine was poking out from her coat pocket. Sophie considered making the grab for it but when she finally did gain the confidence to Judy had stood up and had fully turned. 

Sophie was frozen in fear but hearing the groans of the walkers brought Jacob into the room where he grabbed Sophie's arm and dragged her out of the room and to the gym where only a few people sat. Jacob turned to Sophie once they were safe and explained everything. "So your little walker incident wasn't the only one. Apparently what happened was once the now dead Blaze finished feasting on Judy and the boy it moved on to someone who'd walked in the room to investigate. He tried to run but since he'd never actually been that close to a walker before he tripped over his feet and couldn't get up in time the poor soul." Jacob said as Sophie seems horrified. "Everyone from The Wall is here except Connor and Payton. Where on earth are they?!" Sophie asked as Jacob shrugged. "Lily came back empty handed. Says she's gonna search the apartments and tenements tomorrow." Jacob says as Sophie looks over to Lily who's trying to calm some upset kids down. "How many young ones did we lose?" Sophie asked not really wanting to know the answer but Jacob sighed. "Just the boy but as for grownups we weren't so lucky. Every adult except for the mystery leader is gone." Jacob said as Sophie groaned. "What about the slightly older kids?" She asked as Jacob looked sad. "The class they were located in got attacked by a walker and the kids had no idea what to do outside of the basic training they get. They got scared and the walker had a feast." Jacob explained as a look of horror came on Sophie's face. "So we have like 8 or 9 zombie 11-12 year olds walking about the school?" Sophie asked as Jacob could only nod. 

The survivors in the gym didn't have to wait long for action as the last adult came through the doors with a walker in his grasp as he ripped its head off in front of everyone. Jacob shook his head and muttered something about scaring the kids and the leader walked over to the far end of the hall and cleared his throat. "Attention survivors. I'm aware most of you don't know who I am but my name is Philip and I kinda run this place. Now it's been rumoured I suffer from mild schizophrenia and have suffered from depression. I would like to reassure you all I don't suffer from depression anymore but I am slightly schizophrenic still meaning I'm slightly off my nutter every now and again but sometimes the superhuman ability to make spilt second choices can be quite useful." Philip explained as everyone nodded their heads. Philip had long brown hair tied up in a ponytail and he had a fair beard. 

Philip retreated into the changing rooms to make plans by himself as everyone went back to being uneasy. Nobody was quite sure how many walkers were still in the school but the groans of the few left was encouragement to stay in the gym enough. Sophie sat down by Lily to ask her about her plans to find Connor. "So, you planning to go on a damn suicide mission to rescue Connor?" Sophie asked as Lily looked up. "How else am I gonna find my way into his heart?" She said as she immediately went fully red and stood up and backed away. "I mean find my way to his location. I gotta go, there's.. stuff I gotta attend to." Lily said still completely flustered and still blushing profusely. Sophie chuckled as Lily ran off. "So hopelessly in love." Sophie said as Lily nearly tripped as she ran into the kitchen. "Seriously though. What's is her plan?" Sophie asked herself but shrugged and stood up as Lily came back from the kitchen but got tripped up by a walker. A walker none other than Blaze in the dead flesh.

As Lily struggled with the walker Jacob ran over with a knife and slide tackled the walker away and killed it in a super cool fashion as Lily stayed on the ground still very out of breath. "Th-thanks." She forced out as she stood up and staggered back to the side of the gym. Jacob made a fatal mistake however as he called someone over or deal with the rotting corpse in the gym he forgot to close the door and more walkers had heard the commotion and came through. The kid Jacob got help him was a 12 year old P7 graduate who was in the wrong place at the wrong time and one of the walkers that came through took him down and started eating him. Jacob looked horrified had what he'd done but Philip had heard the commotion as there were now 6 walkers in the hall and he panicked and told everyone to run outside. Once Philip had everyone outside everyone was scared as to what was happening and somebody said something that didn't help matters. "I think that kid still had family alive somewhere." Once he'd said this that was the tipping point and people began to cry all around. 

Philip did his best to restore order and told everyone to get out the school grounds as they'd lost the school to the dead. People were hesitant to leave their old comfy life behind but the thought of being eaten won them over and they all gathered outside as Philip addressed them. "Alright survivors. I didn't make a fully fleshed out plan in time but I had the idea to move to a shop nearby here. Apparently some kids tired to make a camp there once but got flushed out by the military." Philip said as the remaining Wall members glanced at each other as one of the kids spoke. "Mr. Whiteman? What shop is it?" A small child asked as Philip replied with a wink. "Just wait and see." He said cheerfully as Lily seems panicked about the whole situation. "Wait we can't go all the way there! I still have to find Connor!" Lily exclaimed as Philip raised his hand. "No Lily, I'm afraid Connor's on his own. The streets are far too dangerous to be navigating on your own." Philip explained as he started moving the group forward but not wanting to be left behind Lily, with a heavy heart began to follow them towards their next home.

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