"You wanna stay as well?! What the hell!" Lily yells turning to Freyja as Freyja gives her a cold look. "If you have a problem with it then just leave, I doubt we'll see each other again seeing as you'll all die out there." Freyja says which shut Lily up for a second before she sighed. "We'll settle this in the meeting room." Lily said with a dark tone to her voice, she's up to something but no one placed their finger on it. In about 5 minutes Lily, Connor and Freyja were gathered in the meeting room that recently had one of those 'hang in there' posters stuck to the wall which really spiced the place up. "Right Connor, listen to me, to you think it's ridiculous to leave this place." Freyja asks giving him a stern look. Connor gets an uncomfortable look on his face but thinks for a second regardless. "Well from what I've heard the soldiers here are on kill or be killed orders so yeah, I'd leave with the rest of the group." Connor finally says giving his answer and picking his side. "W-what's wrong with you!" Freyja shouts a bit incredulous to situation. "You're gonna die out there! You won't make it another week out there on your own!" She continues to yell as Connor and Lily stand there exchanging glances. "So what? Better than rotting away in here. Who else is gonna kill the walkers hidden away in the country side." Connor remarks as he leans on the wall. "Plus the group was thinking of leaving tomorrow so this was kinda the 'rally the group day' but half the group wants to stay behind." Connor comments shaking his head as a soldier suddenly speaks. 

"Your group ain't goin' anywhere." He says coldly with a rifle aimed at Connor's head. "You heard that?" Connor asks as his stress levels fly through the roof. "All of it." The soldier adds turning his gaze to Lily and Freyja. "Don't think you two are getting out of this." The soldier says pointing the gun at Lily. "Oh fuck off mate, your soldiers killed an elderly couple before they could say goodbye to their family." Lily pauses for a second. "Who were in the next bed over might I add." She concludes as her voice raises. "Shut it, you're not one to question my orders. I won't hesitate to kill you right here right now." The soldier pushes his gun right by Lily's skull as she remains with a calm expression on her face. "Oh yeah?" Lily said. "Do it then, you won't." Connor then looks over the infuriated soldier as his finger begins to tighten on the trigger. "Last chance, come with me and you'll live." The soldier's finger remains pressed on the trigger but he hasn't fired yet. "No, mate go away this ain't the time for this you won't stop our group from escaping tomorrow." Lily exclaims as the soldier gets annoyed again. "Jacob, Sophie, Hannah, Clementine, Connor and Lily!" Freyja shouts from the corner. "That's the people trying to escape!" Lily gives Freyja a death stare so large every fly in a 5 mile radius died. 

Connor turns around and faces the soldier. "You know too much." He said with his hands clenched into fists. "No, I know enough to go by on." The soldier remarks as he begins to walk out of the room but fearing for his groups life he charges at the soldier. "I said, you know too much." Connor reiterated as he got to the soldiers front and grabbing him by the bulletproof vest, shoved him to the ground and kicked his helmet off. "Nobody has to know." Connor conclues and brings his foot down on the soldiers head with took like 5 goes to actually cause death but he got it done and caved his skull open as the soldier dies. The three stand there shocked as the soldier lays there dead, with a hole where his face should be. "W-what the hell was that!" Freyja yells. "He was trying to convince you guys that leavings a shite idea!" She continues to yell but Connor blocks her out as he's checking out the soldiers weapon. "No Freyja, Connor did the right thing, albeit in a brutal manner but it was the right thing nonetheless." Lily remarks as she points to the gun. "I used to do an army recuit thing once a week, that's an M-16 assault rifle I've seen the army carry them around." Lily explains to Connor how the gun works as he unloads the clip and pockets the clip. "I don't wanna accidentally fire the gun." He says chuckling. "We'll turn the safety on then." Lily says laughing as she turns the safety on and reloads the clip. "Here look, watch this." Lily pulls the trigger and nothing happens. "See? The wonders of the safety switch." Lily remarks with a laugh.

As Lily and Connor bond over gun safety, Freyja grabs a combat knife off the dead soldier. As Connor and Lily keep talking Freyja sneaks up on Connor and grabs him by the neck holding the knife there as Connor drops the gun out of shock. "Not another step or I slit your boyfriends throat!" Freyja shouted as Lily stopped moving and went slightly red at the boyfriend remark. "Okay okay, just don't do nothin' stupid, okay?" Lily says holding her hands up as she kneels down in a surrendering manner. "Good, yeah that's good." Freyja says. "Hey! Fuck do you think you're doing!" She kicks Lily right in the face as she'd started making a move for the rifle and as punishment Freyja starts choking Connor. "N-no! Don't!" Lily yells as she's now being fuelled by adrenaline and tackles Freyja, slamming her head into the floor knocking her out as Connor lies on the floor trying to get his breath back. "Are you alright?" Lily says frantically as she runs to Connor's side. "Yeah, yeah I'm alright just recovering from nearly being choked." At this comment Lily hugs Connor which surprised even her as she didn't know how much she cared for him. "Thank god." She said quietly as they sat there hugging for a minute before they get up and survey the room before them. "What are we gonna do about this mess?" Lily asks. "Simple. Drag Freyja into a bush to come to and leave the body of the soldier in here because as long as we take the gun Freyja has her fingerprints on the knife so it'll be traced to her. "Connor says tapping the side of his head in a super smart manner. 

As the two of them drag Freyja away they see the rest of the group but before they go over there Lily hugs Connor again out of nowhere, not even saying anything and then walked off to converse with the others as Connor joined them a minute or so later after digging some ammo from Freyja's pockets. "Right so the plan is, at the crack of dawn tomorrow we're gonna make a mad dash for the broken part of the fence and escape into the heart of the city." Hannah says giving the plan a basic overview. Connor looks over to where Hannah motioned to and stared at the spotlight and couple soldiers surrounding it. "Yeah, good luck with that, they're patching the hole." Connor pointed out as everyone watched in dismay as the hole was patched bit by bit. "Anyone know how to fire an assault rifle?" Connor asks as he points to the AR Lily has strapped to her shoulder. "No dumbass, nobody here can fire a rifle." Sophie said rolling her eyes. "You try if you're so desperate." Sophie added as she took the gun from Lily and handed it to Connor.

Connor holds the gun in his hands unsure of how to go about holding it but Lily whispers to him. "Lean into the stock." She whispers moving Connor so he's leaning into the stock. "It absorbs some of the kickback." She added as she stepped back as Connor aimed at the guy on the spotlight. "Here goes." He says taking a deep breath and squeezing the trigger. "What?" He says confused. "It didn't fire." He said examining the weapon and looking at the safety. "Whoops, the safety's still on." Connor says shaking his head as Sophie sniggers. "I'd like to see you do this if you're so determined to mock my skills." Connor retaliates as takes aim again, right at the light and pulls the trigger. The shot rings out throughout the whole QZ and soon enough the soldiers surrounding the wall ran off to arm themselves as the group ran over to the wall and sees a half heated patch job and Connor aims the rifle at it again and shoots it and a bit of it flies off. "Perfect, just gotta go once more." Connor takes aim again as the rest of the group starts to hurry him as soldiers were rushing back to the wall as they've been noticed. 

Connor finally gets the piece off wall of and the group starts going through one by one and once everyone gets through Jacob takes charge of the situation. "Everyone get running and stay together." He orders as people start running for their lives with Connor at the front as he has the rifle and once they get about 100 meters form the QZ's walls they get stopped by 5 soldiers and Connor aims the gun at them. Jacob looks at him shaking his head. "Remember, we don't kill the living." Jacob says sternly as The Wall and the soldiers are now in a standoff. Connor sighs and swallowing his morals open fire on a soldier killing him quickly and moving onto another one swiftly before being forced to take cover and shooting down two more leaving just one who was able to kidnap Hannah and has his own to her head. "You, not another move or I swear to god." He says aggressively clearly fully serious about his plan. "Connor keeps the rifle trained on him and sees his finger inching towards the trigger and he shoots the guard dead. 

The group moves on with Jacob shooting him dirty looks every time he checked the rifle or moved by him bu the group soon came across an old pub that wasn't walker infested or locked down. "Alright everyone in." Jacob said and everyone got inside quickly and got settled into their new home as stuff was set out and bags were put down and soon enough everyone was sitting down chatting with each other about the days evens as the sun set over to horizon and night feel upon the group of 13 year olds who'd escaped a military camp deigned to be safe and inescapable.

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